bashtage / sphinx-material

A material-based, responsive theme inspired by mkdocs-material
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Build Your Docs? #98

Closed eightbit closed 3 years ago

eightbit commented 3 years ago

Thanks for creating this cool theme!

I'm trying to build your docs to get a better look at how it works. I've downloaded the docs folder, run requirements.txt and build using: sphinx-build -b html . _build I get a series of errors like

c:\programdata\anaconda3\envs\sphinx\lib\site-packages\recommonmark\ UserWarning: Container node skipped: type=document
  warn("Container node skipped: type={0}".format(mdnode.t))
c:\programdata\anaconda3\envs\sphinx\lib\site-packages\numpy\polynomial\ of numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.rst:42: WARNING: autosummary: stub file not found 'numpy.polynomial.Polynomial.__call__'. Check your autosummary_generate setting.
Notebook error:
ImportError in notebook.ipynb:
DLL load failed while importing win32api: The specified module could not be found.

Note that I'm able to build a different set of docs with Material. Is there a simple fix for this? Thanks.

bashtage commented 3 years ago

Do you have all of the requirements in your vitual env? The requirements file is in the docs folder.

bashtage commented 3 years ago
DLL load failed while importing win32api: The specified module could not be found.

indicates something isn't right with your environment.

bashtage commented 3 years ago

This fix is a bit of a pain:

I've hit this myself.

eightbit commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply! I've run into issues like this in the past - very frustrating. In this case you pointed me straight to the answer, which in my case it: conda install pywin32

The docs now compile, including with autobuild:

sphinx-autobuild . --port 8020 _build/html But I still get a series of non-fatal errors related to numpy

c:\programdata\anaconda3\envs\sphinx\lib\site-packages\recommonmark\ UserWarning: Container node skipped: type=document
  warn("Container node skipped: type={0}".format(mdnode.t))
reading sources... [100%] subpage/subsubpage
c:\programdata\anaconda3\envs\sphinx\lib\site-packages\numpy\polynomial\ of numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.rst:42: WARNING: autosummary: stub file not found 'numpy.polynomial.Polynomial.__call__'. Check your autosummary_generate setting.

and these 3:

D:\Projects\IABLE\Documentation\sphinx-material-master\docs\ WARNING: None:any reference target not found: #
D:\Projects\IABLE\Documentation\sphinx-material-master\docs\ WARNING: None:any reference target not found: #
D:\Projects\IABLE\Documentation\sphinx-material-master\docs\ WARNING: None:any reference target not found: #
bashtage commented 3 years ago

The final 3 are expected. The first is probably something to do with autodoc or numpydoc which is creating the bad link.