basicBot / custom

How to customize basicBot, a not so basic bot for
21 stars 575 forks source link

some reason i cant get it to run #77

Open 2men23 opened 6 years ago

2men23 commented 6 years ago

(function () {

// Change this to your GitHub username so you don't have to modify so many things.
var fork = "2men23";

// Define our function responsible for extending the bot.
function extend(1) {
    // If the bot hasn't been loaded properly, try again in 1 second(s).
    if (! {
      return setTimeout(extend, 1 * 1000);

    // Precaution to make sure it is assigned properly.
    var bot =;

    // Load custom settings set below

    //Extend the bot here, either by calling another function or here directly.

    // You can add more spam words to the bot.
    var spamWords = ['spam1', 'spam2', 'spam3', 'spam4'];
    for (var i = 0; i < spamWords.length; i++) {[i]);

    // Example code for a bot command:
    bot.commands.baconCommand = {
      command: 'bacon',  // The command to be called. With the standard command literal this would be: !bacon
      rank: 'user', // Minimum user permission to use the command
      type: 'exact', // Specify if it can accept variables or not (if so, these have to be handled yourself through the chat.message
      functionality: function (chat, cmd) {
        if (this.type === 'exact' && chat.message.length !== cmd.length) return void (0);
        if (!bot.commands.executable(this.rank, chat)) return void (0);
        else {
          API.sendChat("/me Bacon!!!");

    // Load the chat package again to account for any changes


//Change the bots default settings and make sure they are loaded on launch

localStorage.setItem("basicBotsettings", JSON.stringify({
  botName: "animeFan#1",
  language: "english",
  chatLink: "",
  scriptLink: "",
  roomLock: false, // Requires an extension to re-load the script
  startupCap: 10, // 1-200
        startupVolume: 100, // 0-100
        startupEmoji: true, // true or false
        autowoot: true,
        autoskip: false,
        smartSkip: true,
        cmdDeletion: true,
        maximumAfk: 10,
        afkRemoval: true,
        maximumDc: 60,
        bouncerPlus: true,
        blacklistEnabled: true,
        lockdownEnabled: false,
        lockGuard: false,
        maximumLocktime: 10,
        cycleGuard: true,
        maximumCycletime: 10,
        voteSkip: true,
        voteSkipLimit: 10,
        historySkip: true,
        timeGuard: true,
        maximumSongLength: 7,
        autodisable: false,
        commandCooldown: 30,
        usercommandsEnabled: true,
        thorCommand: false,
        thorCooldown: 10,
        skipPosition: 3,
        skipReasons: [
            ['theme', 'This song does not fit the room theme. '],
            ['op', 'This song is on the OP list. '],
            ['history', 'This song is in the history. '],
            ['mix', 'You played a mix, which is against the rules. '],
            ['sound', 'The song you played had bad sound quality or no sound. '],
            ['nsfw', 'The song you contained was NSFW (image or sound). '],
            ['unavailable', 'The song you played was not available for some users. ']
        afkpositionCheck: 15,
        afkRankCheck: 'ambassador',
        motdEnabled: false,
        motdInterval: 5,
        motd: 'welcome',
        filterChat: true,
        etaRestriction: false,
        welcome: true,
        opLink: string (),
        rulesLink: string (''),
        themeLink: string (''),
        fbLink: string (''),
        discordLink: string (''),
        youtubeLink: null,
        website: string (''),
        intervalMessages: [5],
        messageInterval: 5,
        songstats: true,
        commandLiteral: '!',
        blacklists: {
            NSFW: '',
            OP: '',
            BANNED: ''

// Start the bot and extend it when it has loaded.
$.getScript("", extend);


Celahir commented 6 years ago

So.. Something is not working properly? Or just bot won't start? What are exact steps which are you doing while trying to run the scripts?

2men23 commented 6 years ago

well it won't start at all

Celahir commented 6 years ago

Tested, working for me. I am affraid that i simply can not help you without any info. "it won't start" does not tell me, what browser are you using, which additional scripts are you using, or your PC specs, so i know if your machine is capable to run the script or not. Anyway - there is no bug in code. Works fine.

2men23 commented 6 years ago

i well try aging

2men23 commented 6 years ago

still wont work for me can you tell me what you did to get it to work

Celahir commented 6 years ago

What did i do? First of all - i read the manual.

2men23 commented 6 years ago

witch i did

Celahir commented 6 years ago

So... Are you running script from command line, bookmarks, or from another tab? Which browser are you using? How many scripts are you running on one account? What are specs of your PC? I am still missing these basics information... Did it worked before or are you trying to run first time?

2men23 commented 6 years ago

bookmark chorme i am running no other scripts and I tried with the normal it worked but with the one i made/ copyed it dose not run bty its a 1000$ pc with intell cpu and all that less a year old too

samhmills commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

Can you share a stacktrace? You can find this by opening developer tools (F12) in chrome (Inspect Element -> Console)

2men23 commented 6 years ago

frame.96b8efac.js:33 GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED (anonymous) @ frame.96b8efac.js:33 e._subscribe @ frame.96b8efac.js:31 e.reconnect @ frame.96b8efac.js:31 (anonymous) @ frame.96b8efac.js:31 r @ frame.96b8efac.js:33 extension.js?=1505949695683:7 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number that is what i get

2men23 commented 6 years ago

@Hunchmun thxs I totally forgot I could do that I am finding the errors in it

2men23 commented 6 years ago

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ) now :(

2men23 commented 6 years ago

ok found it

2men23 commented 6 years ago

now i have this extension.js?=1505951224697:48 Uncaught ReferenceError: string is not defined at extension.js?=1505951224697:48 at extension.js?_=1505951224697:120

2men23 commented 6 years ago

i cant get :120 to work

2men23 commented 6 years ago


2men23 commented 6 years ago

i dont get this pc

2men23 commented 6 years ago

could someone help?