basics / nuxt-booster

nuxt-booster will help you to improve the lighthouse performance score (100/100) of your website. 🚀
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Disable lazy hydrate for specific routes #1037

Open andrevferreiraa opened 1 week ago

andrevferreiraa commented 1 week ago

Is it currently possible to disable the lazy-hydrate for specific pages?

Most lazy hydrations already have this options so maybe it would be nice to have it here as well!

Many thanks

ThornWalli commented 1 week ago

Hello @andrevferreiraa,

Unfortunately, this is not possible in speedkitHydrate to change its behavior at runtime.

A LazyHydrate wrapper is used directly when it is called.

How do you register your components?

Do you use a plugin to register the component globally or do you integrate it directly into the pages? Alternatively, the component would have to be integrated directly.