basil00 / TorWall

Tallow - Transparent Tor for Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Run Tallow at startup with Tor Diverty ON #8

Open Pant opened 6 years ago

Pant commented 6 years ago

I am trying to figure out a Windows way of running Tallow at system startup. The purpose of this is to avoid leaks (like IP Address) before I manually start Tallow and set "Tor Divert" to on.

What I tried: If I place a shortcut at User's startup folder, the application Tallow won't get started because it needs Admin Rights. If I make a Task with Task Scheduler and tick the setting "Run with highest privileges" Tallow runs but with an error window that says something about missing permissions. If I set the user to run the task as Administrator and select "Run whether user is logged on or not", Tallow runs in background, not interactivity.

Is there a way to run Tallow with Divert on at system start up or at least User log in? Are there any plans for this to be implemented as a feature to auto configure the application to be run at startup, if the user wants to?

Thanks in advance.

basil00 commented 6 years ago

Currently, I am not sure if it is possible. There should probably be a non-interactive "service" mode that can be run in the background and will always be "ON". Note that, before Tallow can run, it first waits for tor to initialize, which in turn means the network must be connected, so even then it is possible for information to leak.

One thing you could try is to run the netfilter sample from with WinDivert distribution to filter all traffic except tor. Next, you can manually run Tallow and it should enable network access via tor. I am not sure if this idea will work.

One final thought: using Tallow for anonymity is a bit risky unless you know what you are doing.

FR3egn37 commented 6 years ago

Another thing you could do it create a little Auto IT script and build it what will open the tool and then click the button for you, it will auto the process but it's not going to be much faster then you doing it yourself

basil00 commented 6 years ago

It should be possible to modify Tallow so that the button will be "ON" by default. Perhaps this is the better default, since I have never really thought about it before. One question is how Tallow should behave during the "start up" phase where it is waiting for tor to connect to the network.

Pant commented 6 years ago

In my opinion if it is possible during "start up" phase Tallow should block everything, except tor, from connecting to the network. Probably with some Win Divert magic.

joshfaust commented 4 years ago

Would love to hear if there has been any movement on this. A simple windows Service or at-least a standalone CLI tool for turning Tallow on/off would be hugely helpful. For a process to be automated, I need to be able to script exception handling that re-starts either a process or a service and as it is now, manual user input is required.