basilapi / basil

Building Apis SImpLy from sparql endpoints
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is group by allowed by basil? #48

Closed richhl closed 8 years ago

richhl commented 8 years ago

i've got an error when adding a query at attached query and screenshot. screenshot group by error

Line 54 is

      SELECT DISTINCT ?contrato count(?tender) AS ?numLicitadores 
PREFIX pproc: <>
PREFIX s: <>
PREFIX xsd: >>
PREFIX pc: <>
PREFIX gr: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?contrato ?nombreContrato ?type ?adjudicatario ?impLicitacionSinIVA ?impLicitacionConIVA ?impCanon 
?impAdjudicacionSinIVA ?impAdjudicacionConIVA ?procedimiento ?entidad ?servicio ?numLicitadores 
  ?contrato dcterms:title ?nombreContrato;
  pproc:contractObject ?contractObject;
  pproc:managingDepartment ?managing.
  ?tender pc:supplier ?supplier.
  ?managing dcterms:title ?servicio.
  ?supplier s:name ?adjudicatario.
  ?contractObject pproc:contractEconomicConditions ?contractEconomicConditions.
    ?contractEconomicConditions pproc:budgetPrice ?budgetPriceNOVAT;
    pproc:budgetPrice ?budgetPriceVAT.
    ?budgetPriceNOVAT gr:hasCurrencyValue ?impLicitacionSinIVA;
    gr:valueAddedTaxIncluded "false"^^xsd:boolean.
    ?budgetPriceVAT gr:hasCurrencyValue ?impLicitacionConIVA;
    gr:valueAddedTaxIncluded "true"^^xsd:boolean.
    ?contractEconomicConditions pproc:feePrice ?feePrice.
    ?feePrice gr:hasCurrencyValue ?impCanon;
    gr:valueAddedTaxIncluded "false"^^xsd:boolean.
  ?tender pc:offeredPrice ?offeredPriceNOVAT;
  pc:offeredPrice ?offeredPriceVAT.
  ?offeredPriceNOVAT gr:hasCurrencyValue ?impAdjudicacionSinIVA;
  gr:valueAddedTaxIncluded "false"^^xsd:boolean.
  ?offeredPriceVAT gr:hasCurrencyValue ?impAdjudicacionConIVA;
  gr:valueAddedTaxIncluded "true"^^xsd:boolean.
      SELECT DISTINCT ?contrato ?procedimiento ?type ?tender ?entidad ?servicio 
        WHERE {
          ?contrato a pproc:Contract;
          a ?type;
          pproc:contractProcedureSpecifications/pproc:procedureType ?procedimiento;
          pc:contractingAuthority/dcterms:title ?entidad;
          pc:tender ?tender;
          pproc:managingDepartment ?managing.
          ?tender a pproc:FormalizedTender;
          pproc:formalizedDate ?formalizedDate.
          ?managing dcterms:title ?servicio.
          FILTER  (regex(?formalizedDate, "2014")) 
      SELECT DISTINCT ?contrato count(?tender) AS ?numLicitadores 
        WHERE {
          ?contrato a pproc:Contract;
          a ?type;pc:tender ?tender.
      GROUP BY ?contrato
enridaga commented 8 years ago

To answer the question in the issue title, yes, Basil supports the SPARQL 1.1 syntax in full.

To solve your problem, try to rewrite the query like this:

SELECT DISTINCT ?contrato (count(?tender) AS ?numLicitadores) ...

Reason: basil uses the Apache Jena ARQ query parser, that is a strict SPARQL 1.1 compliant one. It looks like your query would work with a Virtuoso Endpoint, that has a more relaxed query parser. Let me know if this solves your problem.

enridaga commented 8 years ago

BTW, This looks like a nice query :) If you need, you could also enable parameter mappings. For example for a Tax inclusion, changing this

gr:valueAddedTaxIncluded "false"^^xsd:boolean


gr:valueAddedTaxIncluded ?_tax_xsd_boolean

and the query the API like this:

richhl commented 8 years ago

thx a lot. It works. The query exposed i not my merit. Take a look at

enridaga commented 8 years ago

This looks very interesting, thank you!

ocorcho commented 8 years ago

@enridaga, if you want more queries like this you can get them in that endpoint.