basilisp-lang / basilisp

A Clojure-compatible(-ish) Lisp dialect targeting Python 3.8+
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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basilisp project configuration file #755

Open ikappaki opened 6 months ago

ikappaki commented 6 months ago


I'd like to propose the introduction of a project configuration file similar to Clojure's deps.edn to aid in various CLI project tasks. This file, perhaps named basilisp.edn or bsl.edn, could assist in determining the system path and external libraries required for building a project amongst other configuration options.

For instance:


{:paths ["src" "tests"]}

I'm considering of enabling nREPL server jack-in support for Emacs' CIDER and Visual Studio Calva packages. At this point, I only require a filename at the root of the project that these IDEs can use to recognize a Basilisp project. The details of what will be supported in this configuration file can be addressed later. For now, I'm seeking agreement on the filename. As a reference, Clojure JVM projects use deps.edn, babashka employs bb.edn, and nbb utilizes nbb.edn for their configuration files. I will also associate .lpy files with clojure mode as part of it.


chrisrink10 commented 6 months ago

Let us go with basilisp.edn then. When this is added, we should note that the contents of such a file is as yet unspecified.