basiljs / basil.js

An attempt to port the spirit of the Processing visualization language to Adobe Indesign.
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Removing the necessity to use b. #38

Closed ff6347 closed 6 years ago

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

get rid of the b. to make it more Processing like and even easier to write

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

This might help

b-g commented 8 years ago

Thanks! But I think we don't need any magic external stuff for this ... this seems pretty easy to write on your own ... and if external, then something more generic eg. underscore extend.

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

I think we do need some magic. I've been trying several ways to add the functions of an object into another functions scope in extendscript but it dies not work. I of course tried the method you suggested without luck.

Had a look into the bind-methods source. es6 to es5 transpilation does not solve the problem. Maybe the underscore extend is the way to go.

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

tried lodash.assign as well. No luck. If anyone as a suggestion how this could work without adding all of Basils functions to the global scope - please enlighten me 😞

b-g commented 8 years ago

So something like does not work in extend script?

And if your write simply at eg.

glob.fill = pub.fill

Is fill then global?

b-g commented 8 years ago

or in just for the scope in setup

glob.setup.fill = pup.fill
ff6347 commented 8 years ago

nope. I tried several solutions. Created a small version of Basil for testing purpose

b-g commented 8 years ago

Odd, we is then this line working?

IMO this should work ... might have time to look into it end of the week. Sorry! No more ideas on my end.

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

Played a bit with it. line 3 in core adds pub as b to the global scope. When adding = like this. It works fine. Adding to the scope of glob.setup does not work.

I need to finish a project as well. Then there is some time for Basil.js 2

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

glob.fill = pub.fill Is fill then global?

yes it is.

b-g commented 8 years ago

Had a look this morning. The underscore bind functions works for me. I'm able to "inject" variables e.g. var name into the scope of the draw function. But unfortunately I can't get rid of the Hmm ... ideas?

#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents";
#include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js";

// underscore 1.4.4
#include "basiljs/libraries/underscore.js";

function draw() {

  b.println(; // works

  // how to get this working?
  b.println(name); // error!

this.draw = _.bind(this.draw, {name: 'moe'});

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

There might be some solutions in this SO thread I started. Using eval and nasty things like that.

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, I've been thinking a lot about this issue in the last week or so. While preparing my upcoming seminar it becomes more and more obvious to me that we need to remove the b.. It seems like there is no way to just add the functions of basil to the scope of setup and draw without doing some regex/eval magic on the functions.

Can somebody explain to me why the functions of Basil should not be in the global scope? In Processing and in P5.js all the functions are in global scope. It is normal to not create own functions called random or draw and everything worked fine for the last 15 years. So my suggestion is: Let's move everything into the global scope. I gave it already a test run and there seems to be no difference in the execution time.

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

I tried to compare the execution time of the same code in the current version and a version where all functions of b are also added to the global scope (for backwards compatibility). As you can see there is no actual difference in the execution time.

with Basil.js 1.0.10

// @includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents";
// @include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js";
    function setup () {
      doc = b.doc();
      for(var i = 0; i < 500;i++){

    function draw() {


// with 500 ellipses
// [Finished in 13.4s] without open document
// [Finished in 17.0s]
// [Finished in 17.8s]
// [Finished in 17.2s]

with Basil.js 2.0.0

// @includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents";
// @include "basiljs/";
    function setup () {
      doc = doc();
      for(var i = 0; i < 500;i++){

    function draw() {


// with 500 ellipses
// [Finished in 13.4s] without open document 
// [Finished in 17.5s]
// [Finished in 16.9s]
// [Finished in 17.6s]
trych commented 8 years ago

Just to keep things moving: As long as b. still works and it does not make anything slower, I would say, sure why not?

What do others say? @b-g ? @ffd8 ?

ffd8 commented 8 years ago

My two cents,

I'm still for the removal of b. – but want to make sure it's only done when keeping things easy and beginner-proof.

Side note.. your example above is still converting the #includes to @includes... is that really necessary? it would cause the break of all code written before. \ same is true for removing the b., it's of course ideal if done in a backward-compatible way, so b.function() still works...

b-g commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

I hereby try to summarise the discussion ... so that we finally can get that off the table:

I furthermore suggest:

Please go ahead!

trych commented 8 years ago

Sounds good, just two remarks:

includes of examples will be untouched and will still be working

I see no reason to not change them all to @includes eventually. There is absolutely no hurry for that, but in this issue I propose to improve the example scripts anyway and I think if we are touching them all anyways, we might as well just switch to @includes. Or is there any reason not to, that I am missing?

@fabianmoronzirfas and @trych use the new global style in their teaching appointments

I can definitely mention that it works without b. now, however, as long as all the documentation and examples still use b. I would still prefer to also teach the b. way. I do not think in my course it's gonna be such a problem, as I am not teaching Processing or p5.js on the side (unlike Fabian, I think). So, I will mention it, but still mainly go with b.. Hope that's ok.

Does this mean we release a basil 1.0.11 soon before the semester begins (by Sept 19th in my case) with the global style and with the bug fixes and features we have so far? I think that should be the way to go.

ff6347 commented 8 years ago

as I am not teaching Processing or p5.js on the side (unlike Fabian, I think).

Yes thats right.

Does this mean we release a basil 1.0.11 soon before the semester begins (by Sept 19th in my case) with the global style and with the bug fixes and features we have so far? I think that should be the way to go.

That or we create a prerelease for the global style. The bug fixes and new features should go into master. The global style is not ready for master yet.

b-g commented 8 years ago

OK to @includes in examples as long #includes are working too.

OK to release the new mode as soon as possible. But this release should be clearly an alpha (unstable, not for production) of the upcoming 2.0. Hence it might be good not to communicate this on the official website.

You can of course also teach the b. way :)

ff6347 commented 7 years ago

Okay guys. This commit allows to call all functions without using b.

I'm trying to wrap my head around a way to get rid of the b.go() as well but I can't come up with a solution. If we wouldn't have the different modes we could just call the b.go ourselves but with the different modes there seems to be no way to do that.

So my suggestion is. Including this into the core but keep the 2.0 version backwards compatible by keeping b.go() at the end. For a 3.0 version we could reevaluate how the whole calling of basil could be done. I could think of having the modes and and the loop function as global flags in the start of the script that get checked instead of having them as function calls and parameters.

One thing to, if you teach the usage of basil without b, is that something like:

var doc = doc();

won't work anymore. This of course overwrites the function doc. So variable and function names the user declares can not be the ones used by Basil.

ff6347 commented 7 years ago

I would love to hear from you about this before I create a PR.

ff6347 commented 7 years ago

All test passing.

Indesign returned: 53 test cases run
239 assertions run
239 passed
0 failed
b-g commented 7 years ago

Hi @fabianmoronzirfas! Yay!! 🎉 I feel so Processing like now! :) A few comments and questions:

  1. did the performance change (polluting the global namespace) in comparison to the b.something approach?
  2. at the moment the code below confusingly works. I would suggest to check before injecting each basil api command to the global scope whether there is already a var defined with the same variable name ... if so, throw and error, give a hint what is wrong and stop executing the script
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents";
#include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js";

var fill = "nonsense";
var rect = "nonsense";
var color = "nonsense";
var random = "nonsense";

function draw() {
  var newRandomColor = color(random(0,255));
  fill( newRandomColor );

  1. I would favour instead of b.go(); just go()
  2. Cool that anything prefixed with b. still works!
ff6347 commented 7 years ago
  1. The performance did not change. I'm also buffeld :-)
  2. Yeah you are right. The check is a good idea. I'll take a look into it these days.
  3. b.go/go I would love to get rid of it for good but it's not possible right now. Maybe the go() will do it.
  4. Yeah having it backwards compatible is great. Means no need for a full reference/tutorials/examples change.
trych commented 7 years ago

One thing to, if you teach the usage of basil without b, is that something like: var doc = doc(); won't work anymore.

Does that mean also var doc = b.doc(); would not work anymore? Because, if so, I think this would indeed break backwards compatibility for quite a lot of scripts.

ff6347 commented 7 years ago
var doc = b.doc();

still works. It's just the overwriting of global variables. It is backwards compatible.

trych commented 7 years ago

Cool! Looking forward to this then. Had the first student today who was very fascinated that you can just take the b. out of your script and then use it in Processing pretty much straight away. He will be happy to hear that he does not need the b. in the first place from now on. 😎

ff6347 commented 7 years ago

Yes. I'm totally into it as well. I'll be OOO for the next few days. I hope I find some time in Quito to hack on Basil. If not I will continue on this after the 24th

trych commented 6 years ago

b. has been removed. :) Closing.