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W.I.P. Basil.js reference build with jekyll and documentation.js
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I am still unable to preview current documentation #18

Closed trych closed 6 years ago

trych commented 6 years ago

Sorry, this issue is still unresolved for me.

When we work in the basiljs/basil.js develop branch, we need to be able somehow to preview the documentation that is autobuild via the npm run build command.

Currently when I use this command, what seems to happen is that it pulls the inline documentation from the basiljs/basil.js master (!) branch and I can only preview the "old" docs, which does not help me at all.

Is there a way to point this process at the develop branch instead, so it builds the docs from the develop branch inline documentation instead? I need to write documentation, and be able to check it, once I merge to the develop branch.

ff6347 commented 6 years ago

It is cloning the basil develop branch. See line & I can offer you some time on Friday so we can have a quick call to sort this out.

trych commented 6 years ago

That would be good, I'm super confused. 🗡 Will write you an email.

trych commented 6 years ago

@fabianmoronzirfas Sorry, I still don't get this to fully work. Getting quite frustrated here. 😞 The part that does not work this time around is the thing you explained me, where I change the branch to pull from ( ). I changed this line to

    "pull-latest-basil": "npm install basiljs/basil.js#jsdocstest -D",

which somehow automatically changes line 29 as well. But it still pulls the develop branch somehow.

Here are the steps I took:

After that it already has the incorrect .md files (incorrect because they mirror the develop branch) in the root/reference folder. So, if I do

afterwards, it does of course also serve me the incorrect docs. Any ideas how I can pull another branch, not the develop branch?


ff6347 commented 6 years ago

That way worked for me. Try the sha of the commit or change the line to

trych commented 6 years ago

This is crazy. I tried the sha, it still does not work. It does not give me an error, it will build something, but that something reflects the develop branch, not the branch I am referring to. I tried putting a fictional branch banana in there, then it actually does give me an error in the console, so I am even positive that it catches the branches.

The one thing I have not tested yet is putting the new line in as you suggested. Which line do I need to change? Line 9? So would it look like this then:

    "pull-latest-basil": "npm install git+ssh://(ADD THE GIT SSH URL HERE)#(ADD BRANCH OR SHA HERR) -D"

Is that correct?

Fabian, could you please quickly test for me if it actually puts the new description texts in the reference .md files it creates for you? Could you build this thing, pulling from the branch jsdocstest, then go into root/reference/color/ and check, what it says at the description entry? If it works, it should start with my test sentence This has some new text as well. (compare to the source).

For me, it only starts like the develop source: Disables drawing the stroke. 😞

ff6347 commented 6 years ago

I look into this tonight

trych commented 6 years ago

Thanks, that would be great, once this is figured out I could start applying the new categories.

Btw. I just tried the whole process on another system, freshly cloned the repo and set up everything, yet it still gives me the wrong result.

trych commented 6 years ago

@fabianmoronzirfas If you don't find any time for this now, or if we can't solve it, I could also just do a tiny merge into the develop branch to test if markdown works and then undo that merge. That way I could find out if it works and then continue with the reordering.

ff6347 commented 6 years ago

I think I got it. It uses the basil.js bundle file in the root of the repo. So you will have to bundle it.

ff6347 commented 6 years ago


ff6347 commented 6 years ago

trych commented 6 years ago


trych commented 6 years ago


trych commented 6 years ago


trych commented 6 years ago


ff6347 commented 6 years ago

Jepp. Tested it. If I change some stuff manually in the bundle and don't run the update command I get that in the output.

ff6347 commented 6 years ago

hehe. It says that in the npm scripts but I didn't think of this either

trych commented 6 years ago

😆 Ok, I'm quickly off, to find the nearest hole in the floor to disappear into... What the heck did I just do? Hahaha.

trych commented 6 years ago

I was reading your comment and was like "'bundle the basil.js file', what does he mean, how would I do that?" Then it hit me. Slowly but hard. Hahahaha.

Thanks @fabianmoronzirfas Sorry for the major confusion, glad that you figured out the obvious. 🤣

ff6347 commented 6 years ago

pew at least one problem solved tonight. Now to the mysteriously image disappearing on any idea why the src of the images is unknown?
bildschirmfoto 2018-04-09 um 07 04 24

trych commented 6 years ago

You are definitively asking the wrong person here. 😆