Outlining here a plan to build a demo, and hopefully even something that is helpful to us.
Nate to build the newly described skeleton with Policy, Action, Observation. Minimal. #213
Ty to help Nate by hooking up key events (traceback for now) to the FastAPI server #214 , and discussing/researching how we will sync/communicate server/client #215
Nate to revive the notebook interface built for the demo so that it can basically just sync with server #216
Nate and Ty to select a few of their top wishlist automations and build them in the framework. See how it holds up. #217
What we are working toward:
I'd like to have 1) an agent that debugs like our original VS Code extension by implementing the DemoPolicy to iterate between running and fixing code, 2) the notebook interface working at the interface to this (includes both React/Redux work and FastAPI design/potentially something more two-directional like websockets), 3) the skeleton built and somewhat agreed upon so we can build on top (trying to build small things on top this weekend will help us come to agreement).
Provide accelerator applications with an update, show we are moving
Get in the hands of friends. Can't do this soon enough.
Outlining here a plan to build a demo, and hopefully even something that is helpful to us.
What we are working toward: