baskerville / bspwm

A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Issues with screen sharing #1401

Open vikigenius opened 1 year ago

vikigenius commented 1 year ago

I am using BSPWM. But when I try to share screen using google meet on my Firefox. It gives two options:

  1. Share entire screen
  2. Share window

Share window does not show me windows in other workspaces at all. It only shows the windows in my current workspace.

Is there a way I can show windows from another dedicated screen sharing workspace ?

Sharing entire screen just causes my mouse pointer to freeze: similar to this issue it looks like:

But I don't have focus_follows_pointer set and it is false by default so i don't think it's the same

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Sharing entire screen just causes my mouse pointer to freeze

Do you mean the cursor doesn't move at all, or it can move but doesn't respond to clicks (like in the issue)?

Does screensharing work in chromium-based browsers or other non-browser programs?

vikigenius commented 1 year ago

The cursor actually freezes. Screensharing does seem to work more reliably in Chromium based browsers but I could reproduce it on chrome too but only rarely.

Firefox seems to reliably freeze when there are multiple people on the call and you try to share the entire screen.

vikigenius commented 1 year ago

Upon further testing, I can move the cursor on firefox when the screen freezes. But I can no longer switch windows or anything. So something definitely crashes.

I can reproduce this reliably when there are 3 or more people on the call in google meet

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

If you leave a video running in the background, does the video keep playing when it freezes like that?

vikigenius commented 1 year ago

By video do you mean something in the browser like Youtube, or some local media player like VLC ?

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

You should test both situations :)

vikigenius commented 1 year ago

Sure, I will do that it might take a few days since I have to do this when I can get 4-5 people together on a call :)

But what are we expecting here?

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

I think the video will keep playing, but will not be interactive with the mouse (maybe with the keyboard).

It's very strange that this happens with multiple people on a call. What calling software are you using for this?

Please also include the following logs when you can test it again:

Also check your running processes after it freezes, I expect a lot of bspc processes that don't stop running, similar to this:

hariseldon78 commented 1 year ago

i have the same behavior and can add some details:

last but not least: if u start xkill and click anywhere on screen 2 it kills the window manager, as if there was no window under the cursor

(i'll try gatheryng bspwm log asap)
zjeffer commented 1 year ago

@hariseldon78 Is this the same issue as this: ?