baskerville / plato

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RTL (or just manga RTL) support #160

Open bensleveritt opened 3 years ago

bensleveritt commented 3 years ago

Full disclosure, I'm using Plato on a reMarkable tablet (rM2), which I know isn't the intented platform for Plato. But I was wondering if RTL reading had been considered? This is particularly interesting for manga reading, where you basically read the whole book backward.

Where the rM2 uses swipe gestures (and I suspect the Forma too) it's a little jarring to move the book 'forward' by swiping the opposite way.

I guess the request is to be able to mark books as RTL which just flips the button directions (where back would go forward).

For 'true' RTL, you'd have to reverse the order of pages (ie. 3 -> 2 -> 1), and start at the 'back'. But as I wrote that down it seemed like a lot... Anyway, worth asking.

Previously raised to the rM port, but it seems reasonable to raise here.

baskerville commented 3 years ago

Considering your own library, would you be able to tell whether or not a book needs to be opened in RTL mode given its file path?

bensleveritt commented 3 years ago

Ah, my case is rather simple: I only use Plato to read Manga...

But you're right, setting the folder as RTL would work well, as I might want to store western comics and literature near to my manga content

lunasophia commented 6 months ago

I've got some familiarity with the EPUB standard from working on my own EPUB parser (amusingly enough, the project that made me yearn for Rust before it was a thing), so I opened up a DRM-free EPUB I got from Humble Bundle and saw this in the OPF file: <spine toc="ncx" page-progression-direction="rtl">. See the EPUB standard section for spines. This is the standard way for vendors to specify that a book should read RTL. The stock Kobo reader supports this, so it'd be nice for Plato to support it as well :)