baskerville / sxhkd

Simple X hotkey daemon
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
2.77k stars 138 forks source link

visual hints? #97

Open zeltak opened 7 years ago

zeltak commented 7 years ago


suppose i have this command

super + c ; {Left,Right,t,c,3,4,5,r,a,z,e,w,p,l}
       mpc seek -10, \
       mpc seek +10, \
       clerk --add  track, \
       clerk, \
       clerk --rate instant 6, \
       clerk --rate instant 8, \
       clerk --rate instant 10, \
       clerk --rate track, \
       clerk --add album, \
       clerk --random album, \
       /home/zeltak/bin/, \
       clerk --rate load, \
       clerk --queue show, \
       clerk --add latest \

would be great if when i press supet+c i could trigger a visual cue with all possible completions. is there anyway to do that? perhaps pipe text to rofi/dunst/linbotify?



msteen commented 7 years ago

I was curious how I could implement this, so I tried to get something working with rofi and came up with the following. It unfortunately does not work for your Left and Right cases, so I removed them from the script.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

keys=$(echo 't,c,3,4,5,r,a,z,e,w,p,l' | tr ',' $'\n')
cmds=$(cat <<'EOF'
clerk --add  track
clerk --rate instant 6
clerk --rate instant 8
clerk --rate instant 10
clerk --rate track
clerk --add album
clerk --random album
clerk --rate load
clerk --queue show
clerk --add latest
d=$(paste <(echo "$keys") <(echo "$cmds") | column -t -s $'\t' | rofi -dmenu -p 'key:' -format d -auto-select -matching regex -filter '^')
$(echo "$cmds" | sed "${d}q;d")

Does someone know of a way to get rofi to filter lines other than by their contents? I hoped a custom modi could do this, but the modi script is not responsible for filtering as far as I know. In this script I worked around it by leveraging regex matching and prefilling the filter with ^.

Another approach which would not require such workarounds and would allow for Left and Right is to have another sxhkdrc that is used instead of your default one the moment you press super + c. In addition to switching your sxhkdrc you would also show the cheat sheet, probably with something different than rofi. The other sxhkdrc could be as simple as your original snippet without the super + c prefix:

  { \
  mpc seek -10, \
  mpc seek +10, \
  clerk --add  track, \
  clerk, \
  clerk --rate instant 6, \
  clerk --rate instant 8, \
  clerk --rate instant 10, \
  clerk --rate track, \
  clerk --add album, \
  clerk --random album, \
  /home/zeltak/bin/, \
  clerk --rate load, \
  clerk --queue show, \
  clerk --add latest \
zeltak commented 6 years ago

thx for this. any progress with integrating the left/right options?

msteen commented 6 years ago

I do not really know of an easy and clean solution, but here is one of many hacky solutions you could think of:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

keys=$(echo '<,>,t,c,3,4,5,r,a,z,e,w,p,l' | tr ',' $'\n')
cmds=$(cat <<'EOF'
mpc seek -10
mpc seek +10
clerk --add  track
clerk --rate instant 6
clerk --rate instant 8
clerk --rate instant 10
clerk --rate track
clerk --add album
clerk --random album
clerk --rate load
clerk --queue show
clerk --add latest
xinput --test-xi2 --root $(xinput --list | sed -n -e 's/.*id=\([0-9]\{1,\}\).*master keyboard.*/\1/p') | \
sed -un -e 's/EVENT type \([0-9]\{1,\}\).*/\1/p' -e 's/.*detail: \([0-9]\{1,\}\)/\1/p' | \
while read -r line; do
  # If `n` is undefined it also equals 0.
  if [[ $n -eq 0 ]]; then
    # 13 key press
    # 14 key release
    # 113 Left
    # 114 Right
    if [[ $et -eq 14 && $ec -eq 113 ]]; then
      # First undo the effect of moving the cursor to the left.
      xdotool key Right
      xdotool key less
      exit 0
    if [[ $et -eq 14 && $ec -eq 114 ]]; then
      xdotool key greater
      exit 0
done &
d=$(paste <(echo "$keys") <(echo "$cmds") | column -t -s $'\t' | rofi -dmenu -p 'key:' -format d -auto-select -matching regex -filter '^')
kill $(jobs -p)
$(echo "$cmds" | sed "${d}q;d")

It uses xinput to watch for left and right arrow key releases and then uses xdotool to send keys to rofi that can be handled by my regex filter trick. I used the greater than and less than signs, but you could of course change that if you want.

zeltak commented 6 years ago

seems to work great!

thx so much :)

wonder if something like this (visual queues) will make it into sxhkd in the future?

ngirard commented 5 years ago

Providing visual hints would be amazing.

The best source of inspiration I can think of is Emacs Hydra (example video).