basler / pypylon

The official python wrapper for the pylon Camera Software Suite
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significant delay in switching camera state #518

Open chemicalimage opened 2 years ago

chemicalimage commented 2 years ago

I am noticing significant delays when changing integration times for the a2A3840 camera I am using. I am not sure of the cause. Is it my inefficient code or something deeper? I would like to reduce this if possible. 300 000 microseconds is a long time relative to a 4000 or even a 100 000 microsecond image.

These are the results of the code. image Notes: I am using software triggering in case I decide to use image stacking. The software triggering requires I sleep until the end of the integration time plus a small delay. The camera is capable of 12 bit monochrome images and I am placing them in a 16 bit array. The "state" dictionary is complex. I have exposed only the relevant parts.

import sys # filesystem
import time # assist in thread control
import numpy as np
import cv2 # conversion of datatypes and display

from pypylon import pylon
from datetime import datetime

def takeSnap(state):
    tic = time.time()
    cameraSettings = state[state['mode']]

    if state['mode'] != state['priorMode']:
        if state['camera'] == None:
            camera = pylon.InstantCamera(pylon.TlFactory.GetInstance().CreateFirstDevice())
            camera.RegisterConfiguration(pylon.SoftwareTriggerConfiguration(), pylon.RegistrationMode_ReplaceAll,pylon.Cleanup_Delete)
            state['camera'] = camera
            camera = state['camera']

        camera.Open() # camera settings can be modified outside of acquisition
        camera.StreamGrabber.MaxTransferSize = 4194304
        camera.PixelFormat.SetValue('Mono12') # 12 bit, lsb aligned

        state['priorMode'] = state['mode']
        print(f"set {state['mode']} - exposure {cameraSettings['exposure']} us")

    camera = state['camera']

    for ndx in range(cameraSettings['stacking']):
        if camera.WaitForFrameTriggerReady(1100, pylon.TimeoutHandling_ThrowException):

    # we need to wait for the exposure to complete and then some additional time
    # chose 50 msec because shorter times caused crashes

    for ndx in range(cameraSettings['stacking']):
        if camera.GetGrabResultWaitObject().Wait(0):
            grabResult = camera.RetrieveResult(5000, pylon.TimeoutHandling_ThrowException)
            if grabResult.GrabSucceeded():
                # Access the image data
                grab = grabResult.Array
                if ndx != 0:
                    img = img + grab.astype(np.uint16)
                    img = grab.astype(np.uint16)
    img = (img/cameraSettings['stacking'])*16.0 # return as floating point array, stack as many as 16 images

    print(f"duration - {state['mode']} - {time.time()-tic}")

    return state['path'], img

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from statevariables17 import *


    state['path'] = '/media/image/'
    state['mode'] = 'long'
    for ndx in range(100):
    state['mode'] = 'short'
    for ndx in range(100):
    for ndx in range(100):
      state['mode'] = 'long'
      state['mode'] = 'short'
thiesmoeller commented 2 years ago

Quick question what you want to reach?

Sequence of images with different exposure times ?

chemicalimage commented 2 years ago

This piece of code is coupled to a command processor which says "short" or "long." The usage may be:

  1. 1000 x (short, short, short, short)
  2. 1000 x (long, long, long, long)
  3. 1000 x (randomly short or long)

3 is the problematic use case. Consider a security camera which has an AI that decides when to use an illuminator to create video as an example. Ideally, the framerate is constant no matter which imaging mode is used.

Quick question what you want to reach?

4 fps

Sequence of images with different exposure times ?


thiesmoeller commented 2 years ago

Some first comments: Your takesnap routine always reinitializes the grab engine. This could take longer and different time

You never really activate software trigger.

Do I understand right that you want to average all images in one run as fast as possible but with a given exposuretime ?

thiesmoeller commented 2 years ago

Still the question if your original task is to average the images that you capture at a given exposuretime?? because img = (img / stacking_count )*16 will create an integer mean of all images captured and shifted by 4bit represented as float ... ( so the lower 4bit will always be '0'

Your original code was capturing in pylon internal buffers and reading them after all capturing was done. Have you been doing this due to some performance issue?

The below rewrite is an image stacking implementation with direct retrieval of image buffers and highest performance pypylon constructs

If you want to get given framerate use the AcquisitionFrameRate feature One comment to your specific camera model: In triggered mode it has a very long ExposureStartDelay of 21.5ms ( as documented in ) This means that in triggered mode ( also SW trigger ) the exposure will start 21.5ms after you called TriggerSoftware -> this should explain the timing you observed. -> In image will take ExposureStartDelay + max(ExposureTime, ReadoutTime,TransmissionTime) to be received.

import time
import numpy as np

from pypylon import pylon as py

class StackCapture(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # open and configure camera
        tlf = py.TlFactory.GetInstance() = py.InstantCamera(tlf.CreateFirstDevice())  # camera settings can be modified outside of acquisition = 4194304'Mono12')  # 12 bit, lsb aligned

    def __del__(self):

    def take_snap(self, snap_state):
        t0 = time.perf_counter()
        cam_settings = snap_state[snap_state['mode']]['exposure'])
        # ... and all other settings that come from state dict

        print(f"set {snap_state['mode']} - exposure {cam_settings['exposure']} us")

        # pre allocate target array outside of time critical grab loop
        img = np.zeros((,, dtype=np.uint16)
        # automatically stop grabbing after 'camera_settings["stacking"]' frames['stacking'], py.GrabStrategy_OneByOne)

        # context manager of RetrieveResult will release the result at the end of call
        img_count = 0
            with, py.TimeoutHandling_ThrowException) as res:
                if res.GrabSucceeded():
                    # don't create a python object copy of the pixel data, as we directly push it into numpy
                    # zero copy allows this
                    with res.GetArrayZeroCopy() as img_zc:
                        img += img_zc
                        img_count += 1
                    print("GRAB of a frame FAILED!!")

        # create average of all values
        img_avg = (img / img_count).astype(float)
        print(f"duration - {snap_state['mode']} - {(time.perf_counter() - t0) * 1e3}ms")
        return snap_state['path'], img_avg

if __name__ == '__main__':

    state = dict()
    state['path'] = '/media/image/'
    state['short'] = dict()
    state['short']['exposure'] = 4000
    state['short']['stacking'] = 16
    state['long'] = dict()
    state['long']['exposure'] = 100000
    state['long']['stacking'] = 16

    # setup image grabber
    capture = StackCapture()

    state['mode'] = 'long'
    for ndx in range(100):

    state['mode'] = 'short'
    for ndx in range(100):

    for ndx in range(100):
        state['mode'] = 'long'
        state['mode'] = 'short'