basnijholt / adaptive-lighting

Adaptive Lighting custom component for Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
1.82k stars 134 forks source link

Lights only adapting once #541

Closed broyuken closed 1 year ago

broyuken commented 1 year ago

Version information:



After updating to 1.10 all my lights only adapt once. They don’t get marked as manually controlled, but they just stop updating. I see the switch shows the brightness should be at 89% but the light is still set to 91%. I also noticed this in my kitchen this morning where the lights were still warm white around noon, but weren’t marked as manually controlled.

broyuken commented 1 year ago

Here is the config and the attributes set on the switch, but the light itself is at 91% still.

- light.office_ceiling_light
prefer_rgb_color: false
include_config_in_attributes: true
initial_transition: 0
sleep_transition: 90
transition: 10
transition_until_sleep: false
interval: 300
min_brightness: 1
max_brightness: 100
min_color_temp: 2000
max_color_temp: 5500
sleep_brightness: 1
sleep_rgb_or_color_temp: color_temp
sleep_color_temp: 1000
- 255
- 56
- 0
sunrise_time: '11:59:00'
max_sunrise_time: null
sunrise_offset: 0
sunset_time: '12:01:00'
min_sunset_time: null
sunset_offset: 0
only_once: false
take_over_control: true
detect_non_ha_changes: true
separate_turn_on_commands: false
send_split_delay: 0
adapt_delay: 0
autoreset_control_seconds: 0
name: Office Ceiling Light
Manual control
Brightness pct
Color temp kelvin
Color temp mired
Rgb color
255, 136.86832541739756, 13.904070298965905
Xy color
0.598, 0.383
Hs color
30.504, 93.333
Sun position
basnijholt commented 1 year ago

Oh no! Could you try downgrading to 1.9.0 and see if it still happens? That will allow us to debug this better.

broyuken commented 1 year ago

some quick testing and 1.9.1 appears to have the issue as well.

edit, I take that back, 1.9.1 seems to be working as expected. Will keep monitoring to see whats going on.

basnijholt commented 1 year ago

Then I am happy we released a lot of versions in the recent days. One version after every change.

Would it be possible to also try 1.8.0? Sorry for these issues! @th3w1zard1 has done A LOT of great work and fixed many issues in the last weeks. It is definitely possible we might have introduced an extra bug.

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

@broyuken would it be possible to post debug logs of 1.10.0 running? I can't reproduce with the config you posted

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

I found the problem I think

sunrise_time: '11:59:00'
max_sunrise_time: null
sunrise_offset: 0
sunset_time: '12:01:00'
min_sunset_time: null

What on earth is going on with your sunrise sunset times @broyuken ?

broyuken commented 1 year ago

I have it set up that way because if I have sunrise and sunset at their actual times then it gets way too bright at 6am and 6pm for example. I wanted it dimmer at that time and the only way I could do it was to make sunrise and sunset 2 mins apart so that the dimming begins and happens right before/after noon.

broyuken commented 1 year ago

Here's a debug log for AL. The light in question that I'm testing with is light.office_ceiling_light


th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

@broyuken is there any way you can shorten these logs and remove the noise? There's so much going on. You also have a lot of errors unrelated to adaptive lighting

2023-04-04 17:20:39.614 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Exception in callback _SelectorDatagramTransport._read_ready()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 80, in _run, *self._args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 1035, in _read_ready
    self._protocol.datagram_received(data, addr)
  File "/config/custom_components/localtuya/", line 70, in datagram_received
  File "/config/custom_components/localtuya/", line 79, in device_found
  File "/config/custom_components/localtuya/", line 105, in _device_discovered
    entry = async_config_entry_by_device_id(hass, device_id)
  File "/config/custom_components/localtuya/", line 127, in async_config_entry_by_device_id
    if device_id in[CONF_DEVICES]:
KeyError: 'devices

Maybe something is interfering?

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

@broyuken Spent a few minutes going through the noise anyway, and a lot of it seems normal?

2023-04-04 16:34:17.496 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Office Ceiling Light: Detected an 'off' → 'on' event for 'light.office_ceiling_light' with'01GX6ZMDNHT6K1N4GVEX61VWSS'
2023-04-04 16:34:17.497 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Office Ceiling Light: '_update_attrs_and_maybe_adapt_lights' called with'adapt_lgt:b'x!)6':light_event:b'0R''
2023-04-04 16:34:17.498 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Adaptive Lighting: Office Ceiling Light: '_adapt_lights(['light.office_ceiling_light'], 0.0, force=True,'x!)6':light_event:b'0R')' called
2023-04-04 16:34:17.499 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Office Ceiling Light: Scheduling 'light.turn_on' with the following 'service_data': {'entity_id': 'light.office_ceiling_light', 'brightness': 100} with'adapt_lgt:b'x!)6':light_event:b'0R''
2023-04-04 16:34:17.511 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Detected an 'light.turn_on('['light.office_ceiling_light']')' event with'adapt_lgt:b'x!)6':light_event:b'0R''
2023-04-04 16:34:17.578 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Detected a 'light.office_ceiling_light' 'state_changed' event: '{'supported_color_modes': [<ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS: 'brightness'>], 'color_mode': <ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS: 'brightness'>, 'brightness': 100, 'icon': 'mdi:dome-light', 'friendly_name': 'Office Ceiling Light', 'supported_features': <LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION: 32>}' with'adapt_lgt:b'x!)6':light_event:b'0R''
2023-04-04 16:34:17.578 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] TurnOnOffListener: New adapt '<state light.office_ceiling_light=on; supported_color_modes=[<ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS: 'brightness'>], color_mode=brightness, brightness=100, icon=mdi:dome-light, friendly_name=Office Ceiling Light, supported_features=LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION @ 2023-04-04T16:34:17.488904-04:00>' found for light.office_ceiling_light
2023-04-04 16:34:17.586 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Start transition timer for light.office_ceiling_light

Light correctly adapted here: the light adapted to the new brightness value as shown by the 'detected state change'

then scroll 200 or so lines down to the next adapt of light.office_ceiling_light:

2023-04-04 16:37:46.910 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Adaptive Lighting: Office Ceiling Light: '_adapt_lights(['light.office_ceiling_light'], 10.0, force=False,'x!)6':interval:b'0s')' called
2023-04-04 16:37:46.911 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Office Ceiling Light: 'detect_non_ha_changes: true', calling update_entity(light.office_ceiling_light) and check if it's last adapt succeeded.
2023-04-04 16:37:46.912 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Office Ceiling Light: Current state of light.office_ceiling_light: <state light.office_ceiling_light=on; supported_color_modes=[<ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS: 'brightness'>], color_mode=brightness, brightness=100, icon=mdi:dome-light, friendly_name=Office Ceiling Light, supported_features=LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION @ 2023-04-04T16:34:17.488904-04:00>
2023-04-04 16:37:46.912 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Office Ceiling Light: Light 'light.office_ceiling_light' correctly matches our last adapt's service data, continuing...'x!)6':interval:b'0s'.
2023-04-04 16:37:46.912 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Office Ceiling Light: Scheduling 'light.turn_on' with the following 'service_data': {'entity_id': 'light.office_ceiling_light', 'transition': 10.0, 'brightness': 98} with'adapt_lgt:b'x!)6':interval:b'0s''
2023-04-04 16:37:46.913 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Porch String Lights: '_update_attrs_and_maybe_adapt_lights' called with'adapt_lgt:b'Tde&':interval:b'0R''
2023-04-04 16:37:46.915 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Adaptive Lighting: Porch String Lights: '_adapt_lights(['light.porch_string_lights'], 10.0, force=False,'Tde&':interval:b'0R')' called
2023-04-04 16:37:46.937 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Detected an 'light.turn_on('['light.office_ceiling_light']')' event with'adapt_lgt:b'x!)6':interval:b'0s''

then 20 or so lines lower you'll see it took that state change too.

2023-04-04 16:37:47.086 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.adaptive_lighting.switch] Detected a 'light.office_ceiling_light' 'state_changed' event: '{'supported_color_modes': [<ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS: 'brightness'>], 'color_mode': <ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS: 'brightness'>, 'brightness': 98, 'icon': 'mdi:dome-light', 'friendly_name': 'Office Ceiling Light', 'supported_features': <LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION: 32>}' with'adapt_lgt:b'x!)6':interval:b'0s''

The only oddities I noticed were the sunrise/sunset times, and the unnaturally large interval setting of 300. It's possible you saw the brightness_pct attribute differing from the light's state because the next interval hasn't run yet. Is there any reason your interval is so large?

jeremynoesen commented 1 year ago

I am also experiencing this issue, I downgraded to 1.9.1 and the issue does not occur on that version.

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

@jeremynoesen Thanks for sharing. Do you remember if Adaptive Lighting firing any manual control events on 1.10.0 when this issue happened?

broyuken commented 1 year ago

300 is just 5 minutes, every 5 mins it adjust the lights over a 10 second period. I don’t think that’s that odd. And this also happens with my kitchen ceiling lights which have normal sunrise sunset times.

jeremynoesen commented 1 year ago

@jeremynoesen Thanks for sharing. Do you remember if Adaptive Lighting firing any manual control events on 1.10.0 when this issue happened?

I have not checked. I can go back to 1.10.0 and check later today.

iambucketdotcom commented 1 year ago

I am also having this issue. I have deleted the Adaptive lighting groups and service and re-configured (1.10.0). The lights only update when a switch (such as sleep mode, brightness, color) is toggled.

Since htis is my work from home office with no external windows, as a temporary workaround to avoid having to manually downgrade, I've made it so every time I step away form my machine, I lock it, and it sets the lights to sleep mode, and then when I unlock the machine it re-enables the lights and updates their color. It's not perfect but there will still be a gradual color arch through the day.

keshirkey commented 1 year ago

Same issue. It was working flawlessly for years.

basnijholt commented 1 year ago

Just noting, the bug must have been introduced in some of these changes:

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

I'd love to help fix this issue today but I cannot reproduce this bug. 1.10.0 is working correctly for all 9 lights I have.

If anybody could post debug logs, that'd be great!

broyuken commented 1 year ago

I posted debug logs the other day.

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

I figured out the issue.

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

A hotfix will be posted soon.

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm my lights indeed have this issue with 1.10.0. Everyone needs to revert back to 1.9.1 until a hotfix can be pushed.

th3w1zard1 commented 1 year ago

This issue has been fixed by version 1.10.1. Thank you to everyone here who submitted a bug report!