basnijholt / miflora

☘️🌡🌼🥀🏡 Mi Flora Plant sensor Python package
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VegTrug Grow Care Garden #138

Closed ACrazyConcept closed 4 years ago

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

I just got one of the new VegTrug Grow Care Garden sensors in the hope it worked with this repo/HA. I doesn't quite. I get only the battery reading. I saw a discussion on the HA forum but that seems to be for the ESP platform and not the Pi.

Anyone working on this yet?

I could do some testing etc. myself if required but need some directions :)

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

I did some progress. There seems to be 2 issues:

  1. The sensor is a bit slow to update the write mode. Adding a 1 second wait: here helps.

  2. The _check_cache returns 0 here so the cache is then cleared making everything else not work. If I outcomment the check it works.

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

So I see now that after a couple of hours sensors are no longer updated.... Not sure where to go from here.

mauringo commented 4 years ago

hi @ACrazyConcept, i can help you if u want! I still not have the sensors but the should arrive me in a few days

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

hi @ACrazyConcept, i can help you if u want! I still not have the sensors but the should arrive me in a few days

Sounds good. I have been moving my "old" mi flora sensors from HA integration to ESPHome in the mean time. Not sure if I am going to keep them there or move them back again.

However the behavior/firmware of the VegTrug Grow Care Garden (3.5.5) is not working the same as the old ones on the ESPhome implementation.

On the other hand in my tests with the miflora_poller I get intermediate 0 values from the light sensor. I would post some screenshots but my HA has been down for almost a week while I was traveling. Got it started again just now...

mauringo commented 4 years ago

@ACrazyConcept i suggest u to install the palystore app and then follow this guide: in order to undertand what the app is really doing. I really appreciate your effort

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

Interesting. Unfortunately I don't own an Android device :/

mauringo commented 4 years ago

another try could be: dowload the apk from the playstore then, decompile it with: It could be possible to log bluetooth events also with a Iphone i think.

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

I haven't looked into the apk yet...

But here is some screenshots to illustrate the diiference in behavior between the old/small Flower Care/VegTrug Grow Care Home and the new VegTrug Grow Care Garden:

A Flower Care sensor temperature passive broadcast: image

A Flower Care sensor light intensity passive broadcast: image

VegTrug Grow Care Garden temperature passive broadcast: image

VegTrug Grow Care Garden light intensity passive broadcast: image

VegTrug Grow Care Garden light intensity using modified miflora_poller. I don't know if the intermittant 0 values is due to my miflora_poller script or if it is a bug in the sensor firmware.. image

But I have emailed HHCC about these observations.

mauringo commented 4 years ago

@ACrazyConcept really difficult to say, thanks to report this. The modifications u didi are the one reported before right?:

I did some progress. There seems to be 2 issues:

  1. The sensor is a bit slow to update the write mode. Adding a 1 second wait: here helps.
  2. The _check_cache returns 0 here so the cache is then cleared making everything else not work. If I outcomment the check it works.

Thus, till now you are able to measure all the miflora sesnsor values but with different update rates from the sensor. are you able to read even moisture and conductivity?

Can't wait to receive my sensors, i will help you to decode the system if i do have the right skills. Nice to see that the sensors themselves are suitable to be used.

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

@ACrazyConcept really difficult to say, thanks to report this. The modifications u didi are the one reported before right?:


Thus, till now you are able to measure all the miflora sesnsor values but with different update rates from the sensor. are you able to read even moisture and conductivity?

Yes I can get all sensors in passive mode, except battery, but that is the same for the old sensors as well. And all sensors with active polling too. image

Can't wait to receive my sensors, i will help you to decode the system if i do have the right skills. Nice to see that the sensors themselves are suitable to be used.

The hardware seems good enough. Just the firmware that needs some updates in my oppinion.

Another thing to be aware of is that it will report quite different moisture values than the small Flower Care sensor. I assume due to the difference in the physical dimensions of the device like length etc. Top: Flower Care Bottom: Grow Care Garden image

But I guess that is more a question of calibrating your moiosture thresholds for each individual plant.

mauringo commented 4 years ago

hi man,

just got my sensors, i wanna try them all and then i can tell you. Do you have done something new? I can make a BT snoop with the android app and then I can give it to you if you want. I am gonna try firt the spare sensors and then i will move to your modifications

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

How many did you get? No news here. I haven't got any reply from HHCC yet. Doubt I will though.

On a side note I also updated most of my old mi flora sensors the the newest firmware (3.2.1 I think it was) and now I get some weird behavior on some of them were moisture values jump 20-30% from one moment to the next.

paarak commented 4 years ago

Hey, maybe this could be of some help.

Worked for me on my VegTrug sensor.

 It came straight into the home assistant when I added the sensor:   - platform: mitemp_bt in config.yaml.

You must use hacs or you install manually

Xiaomi passive BLE monitor sensor platform


mauringo commented 4 years ago

I tried the sensors for a long time. Mine are just like the miflora: same BLE service, same behavior also after several hour of use

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

@mauringo can I ask you post a picture of one of them? Edit: I have this feeling not everyone is talking about the same sensor. Here is the Home (identical to Mi Flora) and Garden together:


I can see they are no longer advertised on the VegTrug site: only the Grow Care Home is listed (identical to the Mi Flora sensor.)

And since 2 of the 3 I got no longer show anything else than 0 % moisture, I think the product was not fit for market yet and has been pulled/discontinued.

mauringo commented 4 years ago

15861810188018581123700848240969 Yes, this is the one beside the new miflora. Are the working just like the miflora? I mean, can the be used via BLE just like the others?

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I have many of both of those. To my knowledge they are identical in every way except the engraved logo.

My posts here and elsewhere has been specifically regarding the bigger Grow Care Garden sensor as seen in above picture.

mauringo commented 4 years ago

Now everything is clear! The sensors were different!

ACrazyConcept commented 4 years ago

Not using this repo currently.

garudaonekh commented 3 years ago

Have been searching for this one but it's not available anymore. Maybe pulled out of the market. If any update of its availability, please update me as well thanks.

ACrazyConcept commented 3 years ago

Have been searching for this one but it's not available anymore. Maybe pulled out of the market. If any update of its availability, please update me as well thanks.

I am pretty sure it's discontinued. Only few in stock in various small shops in Australia, as far as I can find online. The moisture sensor stop working after a while anyway sadly.

paarak commented 3 years ago

Have been searching for this one but it's not available anymore. Maybe pulled out of the market. If any update of its availability, please update me as well thanks.

I bought them at banggood. looks sold as green or white. I have 4 pieces they have worked fine for 1.5 years, but it can be a little weird reporting when the battery starts to run out - VegTrug Grow Care Garden sensors

ACrazyConcept commented 3 years ago

@parak oh I was only referring to the big one. The small ones are still available.