baspete / Split-Flap

Simulated Solari Board
MIT License
86 stars 30 forks source link

IE 9 Error #2

Open reisfni opened 9 years ago

reisfni commented 9 years ago

Trying to adapt this for a project at work. Unfortunately our default browser is IE9.

When opening either of the samples (flights or weather) in IE9 it throws and error and shows a blank board. "Line: 352 Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'indexOf'"

Seems like IE is not liking line 352 of split-flap.js since its

reisfni commented 9 years ago

(Sorry got trigger happy with the submit button)

looks like it might be treating it as an IE 7/ IE 8 page. I added <!DOCTYPE html> declaration to the top and that stopped the error board it still only renders an empty board...

Any assistance would be much appreciated.