Powerful theme framework that can be used as a standalone website builder or as a framework to create child themes for wordpress build on Twitter's Bootstrap 3. Full customizable with LESS
Images for logo, background etc. are saved in wp-contents/uploads/{month}. If this folder is not writable for the web server the images can't be saved.
The customizer don't show an error when saving fails.
Solution for uploading images (check the rights of your upload folders);
chmod 0777 wp-contents/uploads/ or chmod -R 0777 wp-contents/uploads/
Images for logo, background etc. are saved in wp-contents/uploads/{month}. If this folder is not writable for the web server the images can't be saved.
The customizer don't show an error when saving fails.
Solution for uploading images (check the rights of your upload folders);
chmod 0777 wp-contents/uploads/
orchmod -R 0777 wp-contents/uploads/