bassjobsen / woocommerce-twitterbootstrap

This plugin wraps your Woocommerce views in the Twitter's Bootstrap Grid. Makes your views full responsive. No changes to your theme or other plugins needed.
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woocommerce overwritting theme #11

Closed fysalyaqoob closed 10 years ago

fysalyaqoob commented 10 years ago

How i can edit template for shop, the single product page is working fine but shop page did not follow my edits. here is link of shop page:: and link of product page .. the sidebar is not appearing left side of content..

bassjobsen commented 10 years ago

Thank for sharing your issue. Could you confirm the sidebar works when deactivating the plugin? In your html source there is no sidebar.

The plugin expects a template for the overall structure which wraps the woocommerce content. Something like:

<div clas="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-sm-9">[woocommerce output]</div><div class="col-sm-3">sidebar</div></div></div>

We will have to find out where your theme differs. You add the sidebar in an action which the plugin removes maybe. Or rely on the sidebar function of woocommerce.

Do you have an option to share your theme source for testing?

fysalyaqoob commented 10 years ago

when i copy files from plugin's template to child theme and then i edit bs-archive page but nothing happen with frontend no changes appear..

fysalyaqoob commented 10 years ago

Here is some screeshots before and after activating plugin.. after enabling plugin some fucntions are disable like woocommerce breadcrumbs and pagination... when i edit be-archive-product.php nothing happen and also archive-product.php not working...

When plugin is disable: before-activate-plugin

When plugin is enable: after

bassjobsen commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your input. I test the template including again and i can't find a problem for now. The template will be read with $template = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/woocommerce-twitterbootstrap/bs-archive-product.php' );. This should work, see also:

I will update the plugin today, to be sure is on the same version as github.

About the breadcrumbs and navigation, see issue #6 i will fix this as soon as possible.

fysalyaqoob commented 10 years ago

Thank you so much you help me a lot.. I m wainting for other fixes.

bassjobsen commented 10 years ago

Thank you too. Please see fixes for issue #6. Hope this will help you too.

bassjobsen commented 10 years ago

@fysalkhan the latest version of the plugin will be more robust. Hope this will fix your issues too.