basstronix / UnityArtNet

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Stops reading ArtNet values in + - 5 seconds #1

Open Ligh-one opened 3 years ago

Ligh-one commented 3 years ago

After pressing play, ArtNet information comes in, but after like 5 seconds it stops reading values.

Any idea whats happening?

ArtNet received From: UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ArtDotNet.ArtNetClient:Communicator_DataReceived(Object, UdpPacket) (at Assets/ArtNet/Scripts/ArtNetClient.cs:77) ArtDotNet.UdpCommunicator:Server_DoWork(Object, DoWorkEventArgs) (at Assets/ArtNet/Scripts/UdpCommunicator.cs:54) System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback()

basstronix commented 3 years ago

Are you able to confirm it's not an issue with the ArtNet host (i.e. does ArtNetominator show data flow)?

Ligh-one commented 3 years ago

Are you able to confirm it's not an issue with the ArtNet host (i.e. does ArtNetominator show data flow)?

Yes, artnetominator keeps showing output, so that's not the case

dimitriCGNL commented 3 years ago

It looks like there is a bug in the UdpClient in the .Net framework that makes it stop sending/receiving after a amount of seconds.

basstronix commented 3 years ago

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I hope to find time to sort it out this weekend.

dimitriCGNL commented 3 years ago

Cool i have the same issue, so if you need someone to test a possible fix let me know. (because i think you aren't getting this issue)