bastibe / PySoundCard

PySoundCard is an audio library based on PortAudio, CFFI and NumPy
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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RuntimeError: Invalid device info! on Windows-AMD64/Anaconda/Python 2.7 #56

Closed liujimj closed 8 years ago

liujimj commented 8 years ago

I'm running into issues when initializing streams, e.g.:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-66b8c9adeb22> in <module>()
     12 blocksize = 16
---> 13 s = Stream(samplerate=fs, blocksize=blocksize)
     14 s.start()
     15 s.write(wave)

C:\Users\liuji\Anaconda3\envs\nsgt-play3\lib\site-packages\pysoundcard.pyc in __init__(self, sample_rate, block_length, input_device, output_device, callback, finished_callback, **flags)
    353         """
    354         if input_device is True:
--> 355             input_device = default_input_device()
    356         if output_device is True:
    357             output_device = default_output_device()

C:\Users\liuji\Anaconda3\envs\nsgt-play3\lib\site-packages\pysoundcard.pyc in default_input_device()
    267     """Returns data about the default audio input device."""
    268     idx = _pa.Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice()
--> 269     return _dev2dict(_pa.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(idx), idx)

C:\Users\liuji\Anaconda3\envs\nsgt-play3\lib\site-packages\pysoundcard.pyc in _dev2dict(dev, index)
    224 def _dev2dict(dev, index):
    225     if dev == ffi.NULL:
--> 226         raise RuntimeError("Invalid device info!")
    227     if 'DirectSound' in list(apis())[dev.hostApi]['name']:
    228         enc = 'mbcs'

RuntimeError: Invalid device info!

I installed the latest binary installer (after running wheel convert) on an Anaconda installation. Is this a known issue, or are there any things I can do to help debug?

bastibe commented 8 years ago

It seems that Portaudio reports an invalid default device. You will have to manually specify the device ID you want to use.

bastibe commented 8 years ago

Does this issue go away if you manually select a device ID?

liujimj commented 8 years ago

@bastibe I ended up switching to SoundDevice based on recommendation in another issue thread -- haven't had a chance to go back and check whether device ID switch works.