bastibe / WebGL-Spectrogram

A smoothly animated spectrogram display in WebGL (FFT in Python/Tornado)
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Allow multiple canvases? #5

Open joshblum opened 9 years ago

joshblum commented 9 years ago

Would you even need/want multiple canvases for audio analysis? I wrapped the spectrogram logic into an object to remove the global use of the gl context to allow for multiple canvases. If you think it would be useful I can submit a PR from (after removing the EEG logic etc). Let me know what you think :)

bastibe commented 9 years ago

That's pretty cool! I don't think that it is good fit for the original purpose of this project, as this is supposed to be a minimal proof-of-concept for a WebGL spectrogram.

That said, I'd be happy to link to your project in the readme, for a more in-depth application of the same code.

Also, I like the way you refactored the code into a class. I might rewrite the project in ECMAScript 6 with the new class syntax at some point in the future. I'll definitely have a longer look at what you did then.

joshblum commented 9 years ago

Cool :) The code is still a bit janky so I'll submit a PR when it is more stable.