bastibe / transplant

Transplant is an easy way of calling Matlab from Python
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When I use “pyinstaller” to export py as exe, it shows the following #100

Open haaabb opened 2 years ago

haaabb commented 2 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 40, in matlab = transplant.Matlab(jvm=False) File "transplant\", line 542, in init File "transplant\", line 711, in _locate_libzmq RuntimeError: could not locate libzmq for Matlab

When I run the program in pycharm, it runs normally, but after packaging it into an exe file, the exe file cannot run normally. Thank you very much!!!

bastibe commented 2 years ago

You probably need to install libzmq. How did you install it originally?

haaabb commented 2 years ago

I remember that I installed the library with anaconda. I have no problem running it on pycharm, but the above problem occurs after packaging it into an exe

haaabb commented 2 years ago

I tried to put libzmq.dll directly to the path of the exe file, the above error is gone, but a new error appears, it shows "error loading libzmq.dll", it prompts me to need a compiler, but I have installed MinGW, and added to PATH, I don't understand why it's not working

bastibe commented 2 years ago

As you can see in the code, transplant searches for libzmq in your PATH, and in C:/Program Files/ZeroMQ*/bin (which is the default directory if you install libzmq using the official installers from

If Matlab can't find an appropriate compiler, try installing MinGW in Matlab's own app store thing. That seems to work relatively reliably.