Yo dawg, I heard you like GitHub Actions, so I put more action into your actions. ;)
No, seriously, I thought it would be a nice idea on my docker-vdirsyncer repo, and so I thought I spread a bit further and implement it here too, and fix the issues directly.
So if you think that anything needs to be changed tell me.
Yo dawg, I heard you like GitHub Actions, so I put more action into your actions. ;)
No, seriously, I thought it would be a nice idea on my docker-vdirsyncer repo, and so I thought I spread a bit further and implement it here too, and fix the issues directly.
So if you think that anything needs to be changed tell me.
Oh: if you want to see the initial complaints take a look at my first run: https://github.com/klaernie/docker-MagicMirror/runs/1775024591?check_suite_focus=true The last runs then cleanly: https://github.com/klaernie/docker-MagicMirror/actions/runs/516041132