bastinald / laravel-automatic-migrations

Automatic Laravel model migrations.
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Migration order by date as attribute #13

Open shaedrich opened 8 months ago

shaedrich commented 8 months ago

It would be nice and more aligned with how the [Migration Order](../tree/master/ Order) natively works in Laravel, to have an Attribute automatically created, containing the date of the migration creation:

Each migration filename contains a timestamp that allows Laravel to determine the order of the migrations

use Bastinald\LaravelAutomaticMigrations\Attributes\MigrationScaffoldedAt;

class MyModel extends Model
    public function migration(Blueprint $table)

This would then be implemented something like this:


namespace Bastinald\LaravelAutomaticMigrations\Commands;

use Bastinald\LaravelAutomaticMigrations\Attributes\MigrationScaffoldedAt;
use ReflectionClass;

class MigrateAutoCommand extends Command

    private function handleAutomaticMigrations()

        foreach ((new Finder)->in($path) as $model) {

            if (method_exists($model, 'migration')) {
                $object = app($model);
                $reflection = new ReflectionClass($model);
                $attribute  = $reflection->getAttributes(MigrationScaffoldedAt::class)[0];
                $scaffoldingDate = $attribute->getArguments()[0];

                    'object' => $object,
                    'order' => $object->migrationOrder ?? $scaffoldingDate ?? 0

        foreach ($models->sortBy('order') as $model) {