bastinald / laravel-livewire-modals

Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap modals.
66 stars 31 forks source link

Not working #1

Closed pishguy closed 3 years ago

pishguy commented 3 years ago

after many checking the package readme as how can i install and use it into laravel. after installing the package and adding some code into project like with what we see in read me, clicking on button doesn't show any modal

bastinald commented 3 years ago

Copy and paste your code here.

pishguy commented 3 years ago



user-profile-component.blade.php blade file:

<button type="button"
        wire:click="$emit('showModal', 'profile-update')">
    {{ __('Update Profile') }}


class UserProfileComponent extends Component
    public $title = 'Update Profile';
    public function render()
        return view('user::livewire.user-profile-component');

now when i click on button, modal should be appear

pishguy commented 3 years ago


each modal should be have a single component?

is any sample code?

bastinald commented 3 years ago

Look at the example here:

In fact I recommend you start with that package if you're new.