bastinald / laravel-livewire-modals

Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap modals.
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Improvement : url/Routes create, show & edit #4

Closed Thiktak closed 2 years ago

Thiktak commented 3 years ago


Do you plan to have any implementation of show, create & edit routes ? Today, when we click on "read" or "edit" it's a javascript-button . If we refresh the page, we loose the popup (going back to the main page). Could be useful to:

Right now, I did something like that:

class Index extends Component
    public $entity;
    public $action;

    public function route()
        return Route::get('member/tn-members/{entity?}/{action?}', static::class)

    public function loaded() {
        if( $this->entity->exists ) {
            switch($this->action) {
                case 'show':
                    $this->emit('showModal', '', $this->entity->id);

                case 'edit':
                    $this->emit('showModal', '', $this->entity->id);

                case 'create':
                    $this->emit('showModal', '');

    public function mount($entity = null, $action = 'show') {
        $this->entity = TnMember::findOrNew($entity);
        $this->action = $action;
    // [...]

And the view:

@section('title', __('Tn Members'))
<div wire:init="loaded">
  1. Creating two optional parameters /{entity?}/{action?}
  2. Storing the two parameters
  3. Creating a wire:init + the method associated
  4. Emit showModal depending of the parameters

(I also tried with addEventListener('contentChanged') but we still need the wire:init)

Now, when I use the url the modal are automatically opening (like trello cards)

There is maybe another way to do it :)

For the other point (History.pushState), it's another story. I don't know if the best is to change a little bit the emit parameters ? pass the route directly ? add extra parameter like data-href ?

wire:click="$emit('showModal', '', route('', ['entity' => $tnMember->id, 'action' => 'show']), {{ $tnMember->id }})"


<x-bs::button icon="eye" :title="__('Read')" color="outline-primary" size="sm"
  data-href="{{ route('', ['entity' => $tnMember->id, 'action' => 'show']) }}"
  wire:click="$emit('showModal', '', $'data-href'), {{ $tnMember->id }})"/>

or manipulate via Modals::showModal, but need to handle create(=save & no id)/edit(=save & id)/show(=read) or let the Read/Save component handle the route event and raise an $emit('changeUrl') ?

(Interesting article with potential solution about the changeUrl event:

bastinald commented 2 years ago

you can change the stubs to be pages instead of modals if you want routes for the crud actions