basvandijk / scientific

Arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers represented using scientific notation
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Tweaking internal representation #69

Open andrewthad opened 5 years ago

andrewthad commented 5 years ago

The internal representation of Scientific is currently:

data Scientific = Scientific
  { coefficient :: !Integer
  , base10Exponent :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

It's been pointed out on another issue that this is incorrect, but I suspect that, in the process of fixing it, there is an additional optimization that may be worth making. The type currently makes chase a pointer to get to the coefficent, even when the coefficient is something small and fits inside of S#. But what if this was done instead?

-- Invariant: The S# data constructor is never used.
data UnpackableInteger = UnpackableInteger (# Int# | Integer #)

data Scientific = Scientific
  { coefficient :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UnpackableInteger
  , base10Exponent :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UnpackableInteger

This would only work on GHC 8.6 and higher because using UnboxedSums in this way would corrupt codegen before then. However, in the extremely common case in which the coefficient and the exponent are both small (less than 2^32 or 2^64 depending on platform), this can keep all the data on a single cache line. It could be argued that it makes the data constructor take up more space. This representation has a 6-machine-word payload (2 for Int#s, 2 for Integers, and 2 for the sums toggle words), while the more simple data Scientific = Scientific !Integer !Integer takes only 2 machine words. However, the S# data constructors that Integer requires for small integers means that we actually end up needing 4 additional machine words. The difference is that things are just more spread across memory. In the case where either the coefficient or the exponent were large, then the representation I suggest here would consume more memory than the naive one and perform slightly worse.

Ignoring the abysmal backwards-compatibility issue for the moment, the important question is whether it's better to optimize for small integers or large ones. My preference is small integers since I see Scientific as a safe intermediary for lexers and parsers that are, in practice, applied to small numbers most of the time (the prevalent example being aeson).

If the project author finds this idea agreeable, I'm happy to implement this and verify that it improves the performance of the library. I'd do it in a way that shims out a non-unboxed-sum implementation on older GHCs.

treeowl commented 2 years ago

Other possible flavors:

data Scientific = Scientific
  (# (# Int#, Int# #) | (# Int#, Integer #) | (# Integer, Int# #) | (# Integer, Integer #)
data Scientific
  = SmallSmall !Int !Int
  | BigSmall !Integer !Int
  | SmallBig !Int !Integer
  | BigBig !Integer !Integer

It would also be possible to select just a couple of these options.

andrewthad commented 2 years ago

In the scientific-notation libary, I use this:

data Scientific = Scientific
  {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- coefficient
  {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- base-10 exponent, minBound means use unlimited-precision field

data LargeScientific = LargeScientific
  !Integer -- coefficent
  !Integer -- exponent

Which is like having only SmallSmall and BigBig.