basvandorst / StravaPHP

Strava API REST client with OAuth authentication
MIT License
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Get "Required option not passed: "access_token"" message, when try to exchange token second time. #94

Open BooleanType opened 11 months ago

BooleanType commented 11 months ago

I test $oauth->getAccessToken() method in this section: When I call it first time with some token, everything is OK, I retrieve the following response:


But when I call it second time, I get an InvalidArgumentException:


I understand why this happens - there is no "access_token" in response, 'cause response looks like that:


But at first it was not obvious to me. Is it possible to handle this? I mean, is it possible to throw another exception, more clear, about exactly invalid authorization code; some exception, that clearly tells us, that we can't use same auth code twice? Then it would be easier to handle this more specific exception.
