basveeling / wavenet

Keras WaveNet implementation
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StopIteration Error #17

Open ivanbara opened 7 years ago

ivanbara commented 7 years ago


Thank you for a nice implementation. Unfortunately, when I'm trying to run the test example, I bump into two problems.

  1. Local variable "full_sequences" referenced before assignment on line 101 (I can fix this by assigning full_sequences = [] before the two for loops)
  2. File "", line 326, in predict outputs = list(data_generators['test'].next()[0][-1]) StopIteration

This one I can't figure out.

Any ideas?

yongxuUSTC commented 7 years ago

Have you solved it?

I have the same problem as below:

(myVE) yx0001@fili:~/Downloads/wavenet/wavenet$ KERAS_BACKEND=theano python predict with models/run_20160920_120916/config.json predict_seconds=1 Using gpu device 6: GeForce GTX TITAN X (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN 5005) Using Theano backend. WARNING - root - Changed type of config entry "run_dir" from NoneType to unicode WARNING - root - Changed type of config entry "optimizer.epsilon" from NoneType to float INFO - wavenet - Running command 'predict' WARNING - wavenet - No observers have been added to this run INFO - wavenet - Started INFO - predict - Using checkpoint from epoch: 358 INFO - predict - Saving to "models/run_20160920_120916/samples/sample_epoch-00358_01s__sample-temp-0.01_seed-946674575.wav" INFO - build_model - Receptive Field: 1021 (255ms) INFO - predict - Taking sample from test dataset as initial input. ERROR - wavenet - Failed after 0:00:05! Traceback (most recent calls WITHOUT Sacred internals): File "", line 338, in predict outputs = list(data_generators['test'].next()[0][-1]) StopIteration