Open apboon opened 5 years ago
I saw the following on
Function BrowseForFile()
Dim shell : Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim file : Set file = shell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a file:", &H4000, "C:\")
BrowseForFile = file.self.Path
End Function
Looking at the above code it seems that calling shell.BrowseForFolder
is the way to go, but the difference is in the third argument. dialog-node
uses 0
in shell.BrowseForFolder(0, dialogTitle, 0)
, and the example code I found uses &H4000
Needs more investigation..
Nope.. shell.BrowseForFolder
isn't the right call for the job of selecting a file. At most, shell.BrowseForFolder
(in combination with &H4000
) can select directories and files, but never just files (source:
This example will do the trick (source:
Function GetFileDlgEx(sIniDir,sFilter,sTitle)
Set oDlg = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("mshta.exe ""about:<object id=d classid=clsid:3050f4e1-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b></object><script>moveTo(0,-9999);eval(new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(0).Read("&Len(sIniDir)+Len(sFilter)+Len(sTitle)+41&"));function window.onload(){var p=/[^\0]*/;new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1).Write(p.exec(d.object.openfiledlg(iniDir,null,filter,title)));close();}</script><hta:application showintaskbar=no />""")
oDlg.StdIn.Write "var iniDir='" & sIniDir & "';var filter='" & sFilter & "';var title='" & sTitle & "';"
GetFileDlgEx = oDlg.StdOut.ReadAll
End Function
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
CurrentDirectory = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
sIniDir = CurrentDirectory &"\Myfile.csv"
sFilter = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv|txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|log files (*.log)|*.log|"
sTitle = "Put a title of your program here :) (-_°)"
MyFile = GetFileDlgEx(Replace(sIniDir,"\","\\"),sFilter,sTitle)
wscript.echo MyFile
(painfully not indented.. -__-)
this is a VB sample ... :(
You are correct.
I found no other way to call native Win32 shell APIs from Node.js.
Maybe there's another bright mind out there that knows how to do this?
Ran into this as well. I was able to cobble this together from here. It works well enough for me.
Function GetFileDlgEx()
Set oDlg = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("mshta.exe ""about:<input type=file id=FILE><script>;new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1).WriteLine(FILE.value);close();resizeTo(0,0);</script>""")
GetFileDlgEx = oDlg.StdOut.ReadAll
End Function
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
dialogType = objArgs(0)
dialogTitle = objArgs(1)
dialogText = objArgs(2)
If dialogType = "notification" Then
MsgBox dialogText, 0, dialogTitle
ElseIf dialogType = "question" Then
answer = MsgBox( dialogText, vbOKCancel, dialogTitle )
Wscript.Stdout.Write answer
ElseIf dialogType = "entry" Then
entryText = InputBox( dialogText, dialogTitle )
Wscript.Stdout.Write entryText
ElseIf dialogType = "fileselect" Then
fileName = GetFileDlgEx()
WScript.echo fileName
WScript.Echo "unknown dialog type"
End If
I couldn't figure out how to change the title or add a filter, however. Discussion surrounding the source of the code hints it isn't possible with this particular method.
On Linux,
browses for a file. On Windows, it browses for a directory. Which is differs from what it claims it would do. This is because on Windows,shell.BrowseForFolder
is called, which indeed shows a directory selection dialog instead of a file selection dialog (common file dialog).