bat / BAT.jl

A Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia
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Multil Template Fitter planned? #394

Open yemsb opened 1 year ago

yemsb commented 1 year ago

Hey, I wanted to ask if you planned on implementing the BCMultiTemplateFitter from the C++ version. Or if there is anything similar in the Julia version. This would be very useful when fitting multiple spectral templates from simulation to experimental reference data.

oschulz commented 1 year ago

Yes, we'd like to offer a few "standard models", like BAT-C++ did. Since we can be more modular in Julia, this wouldn't necessarily have to be part of BAT.jl itself, we can do this in separate packages.

@Innerwolf on what time scale do you need this?

yemsb commented 1 year ago

Hey @oschulz! Thanks for the quick reply. Great news. I wouldn't mind if you move this to another Julia package.

My timescale is not so urgent, I'm currently developing a program based on the BCMTF model from C++ and it works rather well. Right now I don't see an immediate reason or benefit from switching to the Julia version. But going into the future I might want to switch to the actively maintained version of BAT.

I would have one more question: Will using HMC be possible when using such a multi-template fitter? Or am I stuck with MHA anyway?

oschulz commented 1 year ago

Will using HMC be possible when using such a multi-template fitter?

Yes, absolutely (since it'll be auto-differentiable). All samplers, including nested sampling, will work with it.

yemsb commented 1 year ago

Okay I see, thanks. Feel free to resolve this issue if needed!

oschulz commented 1 year ago

Let's keep it open until we actually have it implemented somewhere.

oschulz commented 11 months ago

Update on this: A Julia implementation with BAT.jl interface for the upcoming HS3 standard is currently under development. HS3 covers template fits and much more..