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[5.3] [x64] No Sound & black screen when a rom is launched #77

Closed Nicodeme closed 3 years ago

Nicodeme commented 7 years ago


Tout d'abord un grand merci pour le temps que vous passez à réaliser ce projet :)

J'ai bien installé la dernière version 5.3. Le système boot, j'arrive sur EmulationStation mais je rencontre des problèmes de son. En effet, sous EmulationStation, je n'ai pas la musique des menus et le son est systématiquement à 0 dans le menu concerné, quelque soit le choix que je fasse. Et le lancement d'une ROM aboutit à un écran noir, les logs stipulant qu'il y a un problème de son.

J'ai pas mal parcouru les sujets concernant le son et j'ai essayé la méthode stipulée ici :

Voici les éléments que je peux vous soumettre :

Matériel : NUC Core i3 Broadwell NUC5i3RYH

aplay -l donne le retour suivant : List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC283 Analog [ALC283 Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

J'ai donc paramétré à custom et ajouté dans .asoundrc: pcm.!default { type plug slave { pcm "hw:1,0" } } ctl.!default { type hw card 1 }

Même résultat, si ce n'est que le volume ne se remet plus à 0.

Et voici un exemple de log lorsque je lance une ROM, qui affiche un écran noir jusqu'à ce que j'appuie sur Echap plusieurs fois pour revenir au menu :

lvl2: Attempting to launch game... lvl2: Shutting down SDL AUDIO lvl2: MusicEnded lvl2: playing lvl2: MusicEnded lvl2: playing lvl2: MusicEnded lvl2: playing lvl2: No config for player 0 lvl2: No config for player 1 lvl2: No config for player 2 lvl2: No config for player 3 lvl2: No config for player 4 lvl2: Configure emulators command : lvl2: Controllers config : lvl2: python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/emulatorlauncher.pyc -system megadrive -rom /recalbox/share/roms/megadrive/Addams\ Family,\ The\ (UE)\ [!].zip -emulator default -core default -ratio auto lvl2: Creating surface... lvl2: Created window successfully. lvl2: SDL AUDIO Initialized lvl2: playing lvl1: OptionListComponent too narrow!

Pouvez-vous m'aider SVP ?

Merci d'avance !


First of all, a big thank for the time which you cross to realize this project :)

I installed the last version 5.3. The system boot, EmulationStation launch but I meet problems of sound. Indeed, under EmulationStation, I have no music on the menus and the sound is systematically 0 in the concerned menu, about is the choice that I make. And the launch of a ROM ends in a black screen, logs stipulating that there is a problem of sound.

I read the subjects concerning the sound issues and I tried the method stipulated here: https: // x / outcome / 23

Here are the elements that I can submit you:

Material : NUC Core i3 Broadwell NUC5i3RYH

Aplay -l gives the next return: List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC283 Analog [ALC283 Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

So I try custom mode in audio menu and added in .asoundrc: pcm.!default { type plug slave { pcm "hw:1,0" } } ctl.!default { type hw card 1 }

Same result, except that the volume does not recover any more in 0.

And here is an example of log when I (launch) a ROM, who shows a black screen until I press on Escape several times to return to the menu:

lvl2: Attempting to launch game... lvl2: Shutting down SDL AUDIO lvl2: MusicEnded lvl2: playing lvl2: MusicEnded lvl2: playing lvl2: MusicEnded lvl2: playing lvl2: No config for player 0 lvl2: No config for player 1 lvl2: No config for player 2 lvl2: No config for player 3 lvl2: No config for player 4 lvl2: Configure emulators command : lvl2: Controllers config : lvl2: python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/emulatorlauncher.pyc -system megadrive -rom /recalbox/share/roms/megadrive/Addams\ Family,\ The\ (UE)\ [!].zip -emulator default -core default -ratio auto lvl2: Creating surface... lvl2: Created window successfully. lvl2: SDL AUDIO Initialized lvl2: playing lvl1: OptionListComponent too narrow!

Can you help me please ?

Thanks in advance !

nadenislamarre commented 7 years ago

je doute que le problem soit lié au son mais pourquoi pas. lance un jeu. et affiche moi le contenu de system/logs/es_stdout.txt et system/logs/es_stderr.txt.

Nicodeme commented 7 years ago

Ca marche, je te fais ça demain :)

Nicodeme commented 7 years ago

Voici le contenu du fichier es_launch_stderr.log :

PPU.RenderSub = 1 PPU.FullClipping = 1 Settings.Transparency = 1 Settings.SpeedhackGameID = 0 PPU.SFXSpeedupHack = 0 coldata_update_screen = 1 Failed to open /recalbox/share/saves/snes/Castlevania - Vampire's Kiss (Europe).srm: No such file or directory Failed to open /recalbox/share/system/DejaVuSansMono.ttf: No such file or directory

Et voici le contenu du fichier es_launch_stdout.log : [ { "code":1, "width":1920, "height":1080 } ] [ { "code":1, "width":1920, "height":1080 } ] ['/usr/bin/retroarch', '-L', '/usr/lib/libretro/', '--config', '/recalbox/share/system/configs/retroarch/retroarchcustom.cfg', "/recalbox/share/roms/snes/Castlevania - Vampire's Kiss (Europe).zip"] Sound buffer size: 128000 (32000 samples) Map_HiROMMap

Je précise que j'ai renseigné le fichier recalbox-boot.conf de la manière suivante : sharedevice=NETWORK sharenetwork_nfs1=ROMS@

nadenislamarre commented 7 years ago

can you ssh and run : export DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/retroarch -L /usr/lib/libretro/ --config /recalbox/share/system/configs/retroarch/retroarchcustom.cfg "/recalbox/share/roms/snes/Castlevania - Vampire's Kiss (Europe).zip"

and see the output ?

Nicodeme commented 7 years ago

On TV: nothing. On PuttY: nothing too. Just carriage return and nothing happen.

I don't understand why it try to access rom on local, I configure the file to take rom on my NAS...

nadenislamarre commented 7 years ago

hi, type mount, you'll see that it's not local.

Nicodeme commented 7 years ago

ah yes.

Nicodeme commented 7 years ago

Hello :)

I still have the issue :( Have you a little time to help me please ? ^^'

Thanks in advance !