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CEMU gyro on SteamDeck #8667

Open brunocalmon opened 1 year ago

brunocalmon commented 1 year ago

While playing on SteamDeck I can't make the motion work with CEMU neither YUZU, I thought it should be out of the box after version 2 on linux but it seems I'm wrong.

Anyway, I tried to install manually the SteamDeckGyroDSU, however I couldn't complete the instalation since batocera don't have lots of basic commands to run the script such as usermod, groups, sudo and most important, systemctl.

Is there any way to do so? Or at least the developers make it available natively on futher SteamDeck's versions?

dmanlfc commented 1 year ago

Not currently supported, we're looking into it...

brunocalmon commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that, I manage to change part of the SteamDeckGyroDSU to make it almost possible, however due to my lack of knowledge with linux I struggled in this part: struggled part.

I've edited the entire script but this one since I don't know I could do instead do you know any command that I can use to replace this line so I can try it myself? ;D

nadenislamarre commented 1 year ago

for the gyro on steamdeck, i've modified the linux driver to support it. but i will probably change some other things before validating. @dmanlfc seems to be working on the gyro as a general batocera feature, then i'll see with the steamdeck. note however that to work, cemu want gyro+accel . steamdeck has only the gyro, but i'm sure we can modify the code so that accel is faked or not needed.

brunocalmon commented 1 year ago

@nadenislamarre amazing. Since CEMU already works perfectly with SteamDeck with gyro on through EmuDeck I hope it will be fine to with batocera.

Anyway, thanks guys for the great work!

git-developer commented 8 months ago

Just for the record: gyro on SteamDeck is available via batocera-extra