Closed ghost closed 5 years ago
Can you please post the code you’re using.
BACalculationParameters *params;
NSDateComponents *date = [cal components:NSCalendarUnitDay|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitYear fromDate:prayerTimesDate];
if ([countryCode isEqualToString:@"SG"])
params = [[BACalculationParameters alloc] initWithMethod:BACalculationMethodSingapore];
This code works fine with Adhan 1.0.2 but not with 1.1.0
I am unable to reproduce this error. Please try doing a clean build and see if that helps. In version 1.1.0 a new calculation method was added, so it looks like you're code is somehow initing a case that it doesn't have, perhaps because the old enum is still cached.
It works after clean build. Thank you for the quick response.
There is an issue with Singapore method in objective C code in the latest release, can you please check and fix it as soon as possible.
Thread 1: Fatal error: unexpected enum case 'BACalculationMethod(rawValue: 11)'