batrick / ceph-linode

Launch Ceph using the Linode VPS provider
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dont want to use upstream Linux kernel 4.17 #30

Closed bengland2 closed 5 years ago

bengland2 commented 5 years ago

I want to use whatever kernel boots with GRUB instead of linux kernel 4.17, but I can't figure out how to get to do that. Otherwise ceph-ansible will not mount an .iso image (unless I reboot the node!). Worse yet, I'm not really using centos7. Any suggestions?

batrick commented 5 years ago

@bengland2 got it working now?

bengland2 commented 5 years ago

@batrick yes ceph-ansible is working, not sure why it is but losetup now works where before it didn't. but I still have a very different kernel, 4.17.14 not 3.10, and this somewhat invalidates performance results. NO easy way that I've found to switch it back to 3.10 kernel, so far manually going into Linode GUI is the only documented way, not fun for 40 linodes.

batrick commented 5 years ago

I think it should be possible via

I would expect GRUB2 to be in the list?

bengland2 commented 5 years ago

I tried running python -m pdb and inspecting the kernels list, I didn't find anything with that label.

batrick commented 5 years ago

Ya, it's not listed for some reason. However, you can figure out the kernel id by inspecting the html on linode's website for the dropdown menu where you click the kernel. the "KERNELID" is 210 for "GRUB 2". You can just set that here:

kernel = 210

That worked for me.

batrick commented 5 years ago

@bengland2 fix in master