Are there any known limitations? Even I've done the injections, it show the error message "Connection time out". Do you have any idea? OS is Windows Server 2016, Windows Defender disabled, PowerShell is elevated.
PS C:\Users\Admin\Downloads> .\SharpEvtMute.exe --Inject
SharpEvtMute by @_batsec_
[i] Found PID: 1004
[+] Injected hook
PS C:\Users\Admin\Downloads> .\SharpEvtMute.exe --Filter "rule disable { condition: true }"
SharpEvtMute by @_batsec_
[!] Connection timed out. Have you injected the hook?
Are there any known limitations? Even I've done the injections, it show the error message "Connection time out". Do you have any idea? OS is Windows Server 2016, Windows Defender disabled, PowerShell is elevated.