battaglia01 / CBPSpikesortDemo-MikeB

Demo code for spike sorting by continuous basis pursuit
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Integrate Mike's notes from 6/12/16 Eero meeting into demo script #3

Open battaglia01 opened 8 years ago

battaglia01 commented 8 years ago

Split into sections

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Preprocessing Step 2: Estimate noise covariance and whiten

% Estimate and whiten the noise, assuming channel/time separability. This makes the % L2-norm portion of the CBP objective into a sum of squares, simplifying the % computation and improving computational efficiency. % - find "noise zones" % - compute noise auto-correlation function from these zones % - whiten each channel in time with the inverse matrix sqrt of the auto-correlation % - whiten across channels with inverse matrix sqrt of the covariance matrix. %%@ first autocorrelate to get variance for each channel independently, %%then rather than x-corr everything, take correlation of chan 1 and chan 2 %%and then do blah blah blah % params.whitening includes: % - noise_threshold: noise zones must have cross-channel L2-norm less than this. % - min_zone_len: noise zones must have duration of at least this many samples. % - num_acf_lags: number of samples over which auto-correlation is estimated.

data_pp = WhitenNoise(filtdata, params); %%@ You don't care if you "whiten" the signal because you're reconstructing %%@ on the spot

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Preprocessing Step 3: Estimate initial spike waveforms

% Initialize spike waveforms, using clustering: % - collect data segments with L2-norm larger than params.clustering.spike_threshold % - align peaks of waveforms within these segments % - Perform PCA on these segments, select a subspace containing desired percent of variance % - Perform K-means clustering in this subspace % params.clustering includes: % - num_waveforms : number of cells to be recovered % - spike_threshold : threshold used to pick spike-containing data segments (in stdevs) % - percent_variance : used to determine number of principal components to use for clustering

[centroids, assignments, X, XProj, PCs, segment_centers_cl] = ... EstimateInitialWaveforms(data_pp, params);

init_waveforms = waveformMat2Cell(centroids, params.general.waveform_len, ... data_pp.nchan, params.clustering.num_waveforms);

%%@Eero is not a fan of this ^^

if (params.general.plot_diagnostics) VisualizeClustering(XProj, assignments, X, data_pp.nchan, ... params.plotting.first_fig_num+3, ... params.clustering.spike_threshold); end

% For later comparisons, also compute spike times corresponding to the segments % assigned to each cluster: spike_times_cl = GetSpikeTimesFromAssignments(segment_centers_cl, assignments); %%@ seems like mystery operation

% Diagnostics for waveform initialization: % Fig 5 shows the data segments projected onto the first two principal components, % and the identified clusters. Fig 6 shows the waveforms associated with each % cluster. The visualization function also prints out a table of distances between % waveforms, and each of their distances to the origin (i.e., their norm). All % distances are relative to the noise amplitude. These numbers provide some % indication of how likely it is that waveforms could be confused with each other, or % with background noise.

% At this point, waveforms of all potential cells should be identified (NOTE: % spike identification errors are irrelevant - only the WAVEFORMS matter). If % not, may need to adjust params.clustering.num_waveforms and re-run the clustering % to identify more/fewer cells. May also wish to adjust the % params.general.waveform_len, increasing it if the waveforms (Fig 5) are being % chopped off, or shortening it if there is a substantial boundary region of silence. % If you do this, you should go back and re-run starting from the whitening step, % since the waveform_len affects the identification of noise regions.

%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CBP preprocessing

closeIfOpen(params.plotting.first_fig_num+[1,3]); % close Fourier and clustering figures

% To speed up computation, partition data into "snippets", which will be processed % independently. Snippets have duration between min/max_snippet_len and are separated % by "noise zones" in which the RMS of the waveforms does not surpass "threshold" for % at least "min_separation_len" consecutive samples. Choose a conservative (low) % threshold to avoid dropping spikes!

[snippets, breaks, snippet_lens, snippet_centers, snippet_idx] = ... PartitionSignal(, params.partition);

%%@Should be inside the black box ^^