batter / s3_cors_fileupload

A gem for Rails to allow for uploading of files to AWS-S3 via CORS using the jQuery-File-Upload
MIT License
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Feature request: specifying an AWS region #2

Open exawatt opened 11 years ago

exawatt commented 11 years ago

Great gem! At some point, can you add support for specifying the AWS region the bucket is in (e.g. "west-01").

batter commented 11 years ago

Does the AWS::S3 gem prevent access to buckets if they aren't in the standard region? Or is there an option yo need to add to the form for the upload process that specifies what region the bucket is in?

We may need to swap in fog as the default gem for accessing the files on S3 if that's the case. I know the AWS::S3 gem is pretty out of date. Just trying to understand what exactly you intend by this feature request.

exawatt commented 11 years ago

Yes. That's exactly right. The AWS::S3 gem doesn't seem work for an S3 bucket created in any region other than US Standard (which is "us-east-1"). However, you are also right in that the fog gem does allow one to specify another AWS region.

lymecca commented 10 years ago

Yes, It's a great gem! I got the error msg: "AWS::S3::SignatureDoesNotMatch" in AWS::S3::S3Object.find(key,bucket) and it result nil values for file_size and file_content_type. I belive that the problem is occurring because my bucket region is not default (it's sa-east-1). My question is, how can I solve it? Is it simple to migrate from aws/s3 to fog and it can solve the issue?

batter commented 10 years ago

Hi, yes, it is relatively straightforward. There are some differences in the API, but it's not that different. I guess I should probably swap in fog as the default gem for accessing S3 already. You can read the documentation there but it is not that challenging. You'll merely want to modify the model, app/models/source_file.rb so that the accessor methods for connecting and accessing data form S3 uses fog instead of AWS-S3.

lymecca commented 10 years ago

Good, I'll try. Thanks for the reply batter.