battlecode / battlecode-2018

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Revised and Fixed run.html soo much #120

Closed The-Peppester closed 6 years ago

The-Peppester commented 6 years ago

I know a thing or two about HTML (okay a lot: I have built several websites from the ground up without any frameworks). And, I couldn't help but notice that the webpage for this project could be improved in several dozen ways such as:

I put several hours into this, so please: at the very least try it out before you reject this pull request. There are many people whom these many changes would greatly benefit.

My BattleCode team name is CommandBlocks.

joshuagruenstein commented 6 years ago

Hi @The-Peppester,

Thank you so much for submitting your pull request! We open source Battlecode for a reason, and love it when competitors can contribute to the mishmash of code that makes our competition run. However, we’ve looked over your PR and unfortunately will not be merging it into master.

Our decision is two-fold. First, many of our devs read the tone of your PR as hostile, a direct contradiction to the network of goodwill upon which the open source community is built. We are happy to hear that you’ve “built several websites from the ground up without any frameworks,“ and can assure you that we as well are experienced with web development. If your intent is to have your “several hours” of work recognized, I’d advise in the future against referring to existing code as “horrific,” or your own contributions as fixing anything “soo much.”

Beyond the defensive and adversarial tone of your request, we also pulled your changes and found them rather lackluster. We see no need to reorganize all of our Javascript for the mere addition of “terminal-esque” formatting, a stylistic decision, or persistent settings. If you would like to submit another PR that does not entirely reorganize our code and clearly highlights various bug fixes or feature additions, we would be happy to consider it.

We understand you may not have submitted a PR to an open source project before; after all, everybody is eventually part of today’s lucky 10,000. We hope our feedback might help you develop these skills, and look forward to future PRs from you.

-- Teh Devs

The-Peppester commented 6 years ago


Thank you so much for giving a reason for rejecting my pull request. I now recognise the errors of my ways and will use this experience to assist me in future pull requests. I will not pester you anymore with trying to push this unneeded changes as I recognise my efforts were in vain. I should have reread the description I gave because, rereading it now, I realize I unintentionally came off looking overtly hubris and defensive. I really do appreciate the time you put into your explanation because it really is helping me out a lot (I'm much more comfortable communicating to a computer with code than communicating to a person with english 😉 ).

Sincerely, Team Command Blocks