battlesnake / neural

LATEX: TikZ package for drawing neural networks. Also available on CTAN at
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Square node #14

Open igormorgado opened 3 years ago

igormorgado commented 3 years ago

How to do a square node as shown in Figure 2.2 at layer: Summation Sigma Weighted in your example book?

igormorgado commented 3 years ago

Ok. After messing around with package source code. Found a way with style

begin{neuralnetwork}[height=9, style={square/.style={fill=black!25,minimum size=6mm}}]
    \inputlayer[count=4, title=In]
    \layer[count=9, bias=false, nodeclass={square}, title=$\scriptstyle C_{3\times3}$]
    \outputlayer[count=3, title=Out]

Is there a better way to do it?

It should be nice be able to customize node spacing based on layer (for example I would like a more tight space in middle layer)