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Idea: Lossless Lottery to fund MetaTXs #1

Open chrishobcroft opened 3 years ago

chrishobcroft commented 3 years ago

EasyFi is a Compound Finance-like lending market on Matic. Assets can be lent and borrowed, with borrower paying lender interest.

This can provide the basis for a PoolTogether-style lossless lottery, where gamblers can pool their MATIC, RUPEE, COW and receive "tickets" for the lottery.

The pooled assets could be lent to EasyFi, in exchange for yield in interest (in MATIC, RUPEE and COW) + early farming yield (in EASY).

50% of earnings could be paid out in prizes (in "tickets"). 50% of earnings could be swapped to MATIC to fund free transactions on Batua.

Links: (L1 Mainnet / Compound) (nice looking docs)

chrishobcroft commented 3 years ago
