baudcode / tf-semantic-segmentation

Semantic Segmentation using Tensorflow on popular Datasets like Ade20k, Camvid, Coco, PascalVoc
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Shape error when training on custom dataset #12

Open FSet89 opened 2 years ago

FSet89 commented 2 years ago

python3 -m tf_semantic_segmentation.bin.train -m 'unet' -o 'adam' -bs 4 -l 'categorical_crossentropy' -logdir 'logs' -rd 'tfrecord'

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Input to reshape is a tensor with 174850048 values, but the requested shape has 262144

I created my own dataset using the provided code. Why do I get this error?

baudcode commented 2 years ago

What image size did you specify when creating the tfrecord? Do all of your images have the same size?

xovobobo commented 2 years ago

same error. images 1920*1080 Input to reshape is a tensor with 8294400 values, but the requested shape has 2073600 [[{{function_node __inference_read_tfrecord_47}}{{node Reshape_1}}]] [Op:IteratorGetNext]