bauerj / paperless_app

An Android/iOS app for Paperless
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Share PDFs with Paperless App for uploading #76

Open bauerj opened 2 years ago

bauerj commented 2 years ago

Unless I missed it, it is not possible to send PDFs from files to this for uploading ?

I suspect this is part of the limits of flutter?

_Originally posted by @2600box in

bauerj commented 2 years ago

Hi @2600box,

this is possible with Flutter and currently implemented in the Android app. I suspect this just needs some registration in iOS to make Paperless known as an app that can receive PDF files.

2600box commented 2 years ago

Great! I did a quick google and this is a pretty straightforward walkthrough of adding the native functionality in flutter.

The flutter plug-in is called: receive_sharing_intent

hawkinsst7 commented 2 years ago

This is tagged for ios, but would also be great for android. Especially using the android file picking capability that lets you choose from local storage, Google Drive or Google Photos.

bauerj commented 2 years ago

@hawkinsst7 this is already possible

CTimmermann commented 2 years ago

It was indeed pretty straightforward to include this, since (most of) the work on the flutter side is already there. I have a version on my iPhone now supporting this.

Excuse my stupid questions, but I have never contributed to open source projects on github before. How do I proceed? Should I push my changes to my own fork and then create a Pull Request? If yes, to which fork? To the main one or better to the one of @AliKarpuzoglu which I forked and which I understand the TestFlight version was built from?

bauerj commented 2 years ago

Hi @CTimmermann

this is not a stupid question at all. I guess it would make sense to send a PR against this repo, so that we can have a central place for iOS development.

CTimmermann commented 2 years ago

Hi @bauerj

I just created a PR against this repo. I am not sure whether that makes sense in the current state, since the fork which I forked from seems a bit behind the main repo. On the other hand, there is not much that I edited, most files were just added.