baughj / Merlin

Merlin, a Ruby on Rails application for managing and interacting with AWS EC2 compatible clouds.
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update_from_api: handle terminated instances correctly #1

Closed baughj closed 12 years ago

baughj commented 13 years ago

update_from_api seems to have a few bugs when instances are no longer around or have been terminated (and are in that state when an API update is done).

Instances that merlin knows about but don't exist on the endpoint should be marked as "ghosts"; instances that are terminated need to be appropriately set as such.

baughj commented 13 years ago

This is verified; terminated instances aren't handled correctly (show up as "running" after api refresh)

baughj commented 12 years ago

Fixed in d851c57 - Merlin will now correctly ignore instances marked as shutting-down or terminated if they do not already exist in the database, and will delete ones that do exist (I no longer see keeping them around as "ghosts" as being particularly useful).