baumgarr / nixnote2

Nixnote - A clone of Evernote for Linux
1.11k stars 158 forks source link

Mark deprecated & archive repo #517

Open gwern opened 8 months ago

gwern commented 8 months ago

Development of this package seems permanently abandoned for the past 5 years or so, and it no longer works with Evernote with the latest change of ownership & API changes, AFAICT. The successor everyone seems to be using is the robert7 fork, which has been maintained up until recently and still works with Evernote (as I've verified just now by upgrading). However, people/search engines are still pointing to this repo and the Sourceforge repo (which claims that 20 people are downloading it every week still!).

Considering that, so users don't waste time installing or running or filing more bug reports on an obsolete & abandoned repo, all this should be tidied up & formalized: the README of this repo & the Sourceforge should be updated to point to the robert7 repo, and then repos archived/made read-only.

We salute the codebase & developer for their service all these years to Evernote users like us (ensuring, if nothing else, that there was always a working escape hatch for our notes), and wish them a happy retirement.

robert7 commented 8 months ago

I did not hear from the original maintainer (Randy Baumgarte) since 2018, so unlikely he will answer. Unfortunately, I neither have now time to continue development of my fork, but it should work still quite fine.

gwern commented 8 months ago

(It's my hope that Randy can take a few minutes to properly close down the repo and save himself any annoyance from additional notifications/people bugging him; if he can't, then this issue is still useful because people will click on 'Issues' and see "Mark deprecated & archive repo" at the top of the list and immediately understand the situation.)

robert7 commented 8 months ago

Yes, that would be nice, but I'm afraid that Randy doesn't respond since years because he is not reachable for what ever reason.