bauripalash / tkhtmlview

Display HTML with Tkinter ;)
MIT License
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margin / paddin in HTML style #52

Open Acanis87 opened 1 month ago

Acanis87 commented 1 month ago


thanks for tkhtmlview, its a simple option to create a small "Readme" in my program. Iam a Python beginner and Iam trying since 3 hours to reduce the space between my h1 / h2 and the following p / ul. It seems, that you dont allow margins, paddings, br, &nbsp and so on and everything is controlled by spacing1/2/3.

Couldnt find documentation, but I used spacing3=3 to get a little bit more space between everything, so my list isnt so tightly and I used ".insert('end', '\n')" to have a empty line at the end of the widget.

But I couldnt find any way to reduce the spacing between titles and content. Is there any? Or could you consider adding it? (I just read, that you are recoding tkhtmlview)

Thanks! :)

bauripalash commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, currently there's no way to reduce paddings or margins from html code.

As you already know, I have been rewriting the whole thing from scratch, the new version will have all these features, such as paddings margins, all modern html5 and css features.

So, for now you'll have to bear with the limitations. Apologies.

Acanis87 commented 1 month ago

No need to apologize! I appreciate your work and Iam exited to see the upcoming version! :) Sounds great, thanks! ^^