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Some things are more important than code. #458

Closed patrick-gleeson closed 2 years ago

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

Russians are being subjected to a campaign of lies by their own official media, meaning that, while thousands of Russians have died, and continue to die, in the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, their compatriots are neither being told about their deaths nor even what they died for.

Anyone who loves Russia should be concerned about this. The sudden censoring of Twitter and Facebook to prevent the truth from coming out mean Russians must find other ways to inform themselves. Please, learn and spread the truth. Start here, continue here. Fight for truth.

c80609a commented 2 years ago

Why do you think that "thousands of Russians have died" is true? The all world in grip of Russophobic hysteria.

SpinYang commented 2 years ago

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patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

Why do you think that "thousands of Russians have died" is true?

Because outside of Kremlin-controlled sources, that is the conservative consensus of multiple independent fact-checkers. I don't want it to be true. It upset me to hear it. But denial of the truth doesn't change it.

c80609a commented 2 years ago

Outside of Kremlin-controlled sources are war gonzos content from the battle field.

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I keep trying to, but every time I think about your message I start laughing and can't stop, so I never get round to sending in a response.

Mad king Vladimir has put schoolteachers and caretakers and sent them to die in Ukraine, because none of his people have the spine to stand up to him. The Kremlin is desperate to preserve the lie that it's "liberating" its people, and they're having to shut down all contact with the outside world to prevent the truth from getting in.

This stupid, stupid invasion is only still going because of Russian people who are still in denial of the lunacy of what is happening. And you're still sending pictures of old ladies in helmets?

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

Also, even the Russian Defence Ministry is now acknowledging 2000+ Russians have killed and wounded, admitting that the figure they were suggesting yesterday (1!) was a lie. Do you really believe they're telling the whole truth now?

c80609a commented 2 years ago

Okay :) The facts by former United Nations weapons inspector --

Quote: "Ukraine soldiers [...] all they can do is surrender or die, that's the reality, facts speak for themself: ukraine military will cease for exist.." etc.

Satellite Images Show 64-Kilometre Long Russian Convoy Near Kyiv, Tanks, Artillery Part Of Convoy (Ukraine going to hell) --

c80609a commented 2 years ago

🙏🙏🙏 Thank god nazi Ukraine is over, plain and simple. 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

download (2)

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

Oh look, I can do research on YouTube too

Screenshot 2022-03-03 at 09 46 00


patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

But yep, Ukraine, the country with the Jewish president whose family were killed in the Holocaust, they're the ones we should compare with the Nazis, not the country that's invading its neighbours in Europe and bombing Holocaust memorials while their increasingly isolated leader cowers in a bunker....

c80609a commented 2 years ago

Okay, agreed! We're bombing nazi-Ukraine. You continue read the "independent" news. Deal?

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

I like you! It's a shame you're on the wrong side. When the invasion is over, let's join forces and say mean things about some other countries.

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago


c80609a commented 2 years ago

The stock market is not dead. It's just that the state will buy back cheaply the shares of the largest companies, which will return, surprise, to state property.

c80609a commented 2 years ago

U're so stupid funny :)

c80609a commented 2 years ago

Continue reading ;)

c80609a commented 2 years ago - NATO sucks again -- poor british boy, welcome to reality


ericblade commented 2 years ago

Okay, agreed! We're bombing nazi-Ukraine. You continue read the "independent" news. Deal?

This is the dumbest statement I've seen since Trump left office.

Regardless of if you believe thousands of Russians have died -- thousands of Ukrainians have died. Thousands of PEOPLE have died.

No aggressor in this war is doing anything good for anyone.

c80609a commented 2 years ago

Okay, agreed! We're bombing nazi-Ukraine. You continue read the "independent" news. Deal?

This is the dumbest statement I've seen since Trump left office.

Regardless of if you believe thousands of Russians have died -- thousands of Ukrainians have died. Thousands of PEOPLE have died.

No aggressor in this war is doing anything good for anyone.

the dog may bark but the caravan moves on

patrick-gleeson commented 2 years ago

@ericblade what you have to realise is that much like Mandalorians and weapons, trolling is an inherent part of Russian culture. For example, look at any of Sergey Lavrov's public statements. You can't take Russians seriously online, you just have to sit back and enjoy Putin's miserable failures where you can.

And @c80609a, I'd send you some links in return, but your government has banned every website in your country, so you wouldn't be able to read them! You poor little man, imagine being so brainwashed that you believe that the man who's banning access to all information is the one who's telling the truth! At least Marina Ovsyannikova has some backbone, unlike you snivelling little cultists who bury your head in the sand.

c80609a commented 2 years ago

SantyagoSeaman commented 2 years ago

Okay, agreed! We're bombing nazi-Ukraine. You continue read the "independent" news. Deal?

This is the dumbest statement I've seen since Trump left office.

Regardless of if you believe thousands of Russians have died -- thousands of Ukrainians have died. Thousands of PEOPLE have died.

No aggressor in this war is doing anything good for anyone.

Please, report abuse from the account page of c80609a. He is a fascist and must be banned.

c80609a commented 2 years ago

Okay, agreed! We're bombing nazi-Ukraine. You continue read the "independent" news. Deal?

This is the dumbest statement I've seen since Trump left office. Regardless of if you believe thousands of Russians have died -- thousands of Ukrainians have died. Thousands of PEOPLE have died. No aggressor in this war is doing anything good for anyone.

Please, report abuse from the account page of c80609a. He is a fascist and must be banned.

Dont forget GitLab, Bitbucket, StackOverflow! :) p.s. GitLab made by ukriaen developers btw.

KleoPetroff commented 2 years ago

This is getting out of hand! While I, and I believe everyone here as well, am strongly against the war and any activities where innocent people die (no matter the nationality), this is not the place to discuss this. This is a place to talk about code and any other technical topics, so let's try to keep it that way.