bayang / jelu

Self hosted read and to-read list book tracker
MIT License
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Feature request: wish list #108

Closed AlexGuld closed 2 months ago

AlexGuld commented 2 months ago


Would it be possible to make a wish list like the "to read" list, but for books you don't own but want to either own or loan. It would be useful to remember books that haven't been released yet, or that you have as a gift wish and there for haven't bought yourself yet.

bayang commented 2 months ago

Hi, in Jelu the quickest way to achieve that is to use tags and shelves. You add a tag to the books you want to group, for example 'wishlist-alex', 'to-be-released', 'to-buy'. And then on your profile you can choose some tags to be used as 'shelves'. Shelves are displayed in a drop-down menu on your home page so that you can access them quicky and display all the books that have a tag.

Also tags are shared on the instance, which means if you add the 'to-be-released' tag for example, other users can see it as well.

A similar use case has been discussed here :