bayesiains / nflows

Normalizing flows in PyTorch
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Reproducing Benchmark Results (MAF) #51

Closed MikeLasz closed 2 years ago

MikeLasz commented 2 years ago

Hi! I am trying to reproduce some benchmark results such as the results from the original MAF paper . For instance, MAF with 5 layers on HEPMASS achieves a test log-likelihood loss of about -17.70 with a standard deviation of essentially 0. When recomputing the experiments using this library, I get significantly different results (taking the tiny standard deviation into account). Let me summarize some hyperparameters from the original paper that allow us to rebuild the employed MAF: I) Model architecture:

II) Optimization:

Hence, the essential ingredients for retraining a MAF are the flow instance: MaskedAutoregressiveFlow(features=D, hidden_features=512, num_layers=5, num_blocks_per_layer=1, use_residual_blocks=False, batch_norm_between_layers=True) (Note, that this implementation of MAF employs a Batch-Norm layer between each autoregressive flow layer. However, using Batch-Norm after every 2 autoregressive layers, I get similar results.); and the optimizer: optim.Adam(flow.parameters(), lr=1e-4, weight_decay=1e-6).

Data is obtained and preprocessed according to the original implementation .

I am wondering if my different results are due to the implementation in nflows or because I missed some architectural details. Besides helping me to reproduce the results, I think it would be beneficial to extend the example section of this repository by some benchmark computations like these. I am willing to help you with this task.

In the following, I present a minimal example that reproduces my results (Running this 3 times, I get final test losses of 17.943886, 18.005745, 17.997137):

import torch
import numpy as np
from datasets import hepmass # I have not included this script here, compare with
from torch import optim
from import DataLoader
from torch.nn import functional as F

import nflows
from nflows.flows import Flow
from nflows.flows import MaskedAutoregressiveFlow

if torch.cuda.is_available():
    device = "cuda"
    device = "cpu"

num_layers = 5
num_hiddenfeatures1 = 512
num_hiddenfeatures2 = 512
num_blocks1 = 1
num_blocks2 = 2
activation = F.relu

lr = 1e-4 # learning rate
lr_wd = 1e-6 # weight decay
batch_size = 100
num_epochs = 400 # set some upper limit for the number of epochs
num_patience = 30

data_train, data_val, data_test = hepmass.load_data_no_discrete_normalised_as_array(
D = 21

# batch norm after every layer
flow1 = MaskedAutoregressiveFlow(features=D, hidden_features=num_hiddenfeatures1, num_layers=num_layers, num_blocks_per_layer=num_blocks1, use_residual_blocks=False, batch_norm_between_layers=True).to(device)
flow2 = MaskedAutoregressiveFlow(features=D, hidden_features=num_hiddenfeatures2, num_layers=num_layers, num_blocks_per_layer=num_blocks2, use_residual_blocks=False, batch_norm_between_layers=True).to(device)

optimizer1 = optim.Adam(flow1.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=lr_wd)
optimizer2 = optim.Adam(flow2.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=lr_wd)

train_dataloader = DataLoader(data_train, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
test_dataloader = DataLoader(data_test, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(data_val, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)

# lists that are filled with epoch-averages:
loss_val_list1 = []
loss_trn_list1 = []
loss_val_list2 = []
loss_trn_list2 = []

# define early stopping counters
counter_es1 = 0
counter_es2 = 0

# set best validation loss to infinity before training and update it during training
best_val_loss1 = np.inf
best_val_loss2 = np.inf

# boolean: if early stopping criterion is attained, set to False and stop training
train_model1 = True
train_model2 = True

# training loop:
for e in range(num_epochs):
    loss_train1_thisepoch = []
    loss_train2_thisepoch = []
    for batch in train_dataloader:
        batch = batch.type(torch.float32).to(device)

        if train_model1:
            loss1 = -flow1.log_prob(inputs=batch).mean()
        if train_model2:
            loss2 = -flow2.log_prob(inputs=batch).mean()

    # compute epoch averages:
    if train_model1:
        loss_train1 = np.around(np.mean(loss_train1_thisepoch), decimals=2)
    if train_model2:
        loss_train2 = np.around(np.mean(loss_train2_thisepoch), decimals=2)

    # save validation losses of this epoch here:
    loss_val1_thisepoch = []
    loss_val2_thisepoch = []
    for val_batch in val_dataloader:
        val_batch = val_batch.type(torch.float32).to(device)
        if train_model1:
        if train_model2:
            loss_val2_thisepoch.append(np.around(torch.mean(-flow2.log_prob(val_batch)).cpu().detach().numpy(), decimals=2))

    if train_model1:
        loss_val_list1.append(np.mean(loss_val1_thisepoch)) # epoch average
        if np.mean(loss_val1_thisepoch) > best_val_loss1:
            if counter_es1 == num_patience - 1:  # stop training
                train_model1 = False
            print(f'Early Stopping counter (Model 1) {counter_es1 + 1}/{num_patience}')
            counter_es1 += 1
            counter_es1 = 0  # reset counter
            best_val_loss1 = np.mean(loss_val1_thisepoch)
            # save model
  , "model1")

    if train_model2:
        loss_val_list2.append(np.mean(loss_val2_thisepoch)) # epoch average
        if np.mean(loss_val2_thisepoch) > best_val_loss2:
            if counter_es2 == num_patience - 1:  # stop training
                train_model2 = False
            print(f'Early Stopping counter (Model 2) {counter_es2 + 1}/{num_patience}')
            counter_es2 += 1
            counter_es2 = 0  # reset counter
            best_val_loss2 = np.mean(loss_val2_thisepoch)
            # save model
  , "model2")

    if (train_model2 == False) and (train_model1 == False):
        print(f"Training finished after {e+1} Epochs!")

    if train_model1:
            f'Epoch {e + 1}/{num_epochs} Model1: Train loss = {loss_train1}, Validation loss = {np.mean(loss_val1_thisepoch)}')
    if train_model2:
            f'Epoch {e + 1}/{num_epochs} Model2: Train loss = {loss_train2}, Validation loss = {np.mean(loss_val2_thisepoch)}')

### load model with minimal validation loss:
if counter_es1 > 0:
    flow1 = MaskedAutoregressiveFlow(features=D, hidden_features=num_hiddenfeatures2, num_layers=num_layers, num_blocks_per_layer=num_blocks1, use_residual_blocks=False, batch_norm_between_layers=True).to(device)
    flow1.load_state_dict(torch.load("model1", map_location=device)), "model1")
if counter_es2 > 0:
    flow2 = MaskedAutoregressiveFlow(features=D, hidden_features=num_hiddenfeatures1, num_layers=num_layers, num_blocks_per_layer=num_blocks2, use_residual_blocks=False, batch_norm_between_layers=True).to(device)
    flow2.load_state_dict(torch.load("model2", map_location=device)), "model2")

print(f"Model 1 (num_blocks={1}, num_hidden={512}) final validation loss: {best_val_loss1}")
print(f"Model 2 (num_blocks={2}, num_hidden={512}) final validation loss: {best_val_loss2}")
if best_val_loss2 > best_val_loss1:
    best_model = 1
    best_model = 2

# print test loss:
with torch.no_grad():
    loss_test = []
    for test_batch in test_dataloader:
        test_batch = test_batch.type(torch.float32).to(device)
        if best_model == 1:
            loss = -flow1.log_prob(inputs=test_batch).mean()
            loss = -flow2.log_prob(inputs=test_batch).mean()
average_testloss = np.mean(loss_test)

print("vanilla: Final Test loss after {} Epochs: {}".format(e + 1, average_testloss))

Thank you very much!

imurray commented 2 years ago

Thanks @MikeLasz. I do understand your motivation, and that it's valuable to pin down where differences come from. Just as a warning though, it's unlikely anyone will have time to help you with this issue. I have my hands full with teaching and other commitments, and the student authors of these papers who wrote the code have moved on to full time jobs. It's not a core aim of this repository to reproduce other papers. The MAF and Neural Spline Flows papers both have frozen repositories with the code used to get their results.

By the way, I'm pretty sure the MAF paper is reporting standard errors for single fitted models (I wish it had said that rather than standard deviations, I'm sorry), so I don't think the error bars are capturing the expected variation you'd see on refitting. But the code is there if you can be bothered to get it running, which could be a bit of a fight. It's a theano code base, so will require getting an old environment running, and it's likely some details (e.g. defaults for initialization of layers) are different than the nflows code.

MikeLasz commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your kind (and very quick) response @imurray ! In case that there won't be any further ideas (perhaps the specification of a parameter that is set to another default value or so), I think we can close this issue soon.

psteinb commented 2 years ago

Just wrapping my head around this post, @MikeLasz. You say your experiments result in a log-likelihood value of around 17.9 or -17.9 compared to test log-likelihood loss of about -17.70?

MikeLasz commented 2 years ago

It is actually a bit worse than -17.9. Running the experiment 3 times, I got test log-likelihoods of -17.943886, -18.005745, -17.997137. I know that it is hard to talk about significantly different results, but taking the small standard deviations/errors into account, it actually might be statistically significant. I wonder if it's indeed due to some details like the initialization or due to mistakes in my implementation.