bayleeadamoss / zazu

:rocket: A fully extensible and open source launcher for hackers, creators and dabblers.
MIT License
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Allow HTML in result title/subtitle fileds #192

Open blakek opened 7 years ago

blakek commented 7 years ago

Some plugins need certain styles or markup in the results field independent from the theme used by the end user. For example, with zazu-emoj, I'd like to set a certain font-family for the results without the user needing to change the font used in their theme.

Here's what I was thinking (in plugin result field):

    /* other options */
    title: `<span style="font-family: Segoe UI Emoji">${emoji}</span>`

Thanks for letting me know your thoughts!

bayleedev commented 7 years ago

This could create a similar issue as tinytacoteam/zazu-clipboard#11, but it is something that would be useful to address.